xxxiii. with you

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That night, you could hardly remember if you had any dreams. Or, if you had dreamt at all. It was nothing but darkness that entire time until you had woken up the next morning with a weight on your waist and something hard pressed against your back.

Opening your eyes as you let out a yawn, rubbing away the sleep from your face, the sound of breathing was heard. The light air hitting your neck causing you to look over and see Kylo had been sleeping right against you... holding you like a child would their favorite toy.

Smiling, you carefully turned to face him, holding his arm so it wouldn't shift and slide off. Eyeing his resting face, unable to fight a grin, you studied him. Up close, for the very first time.

He was beautiful, far handsome than you had believed. Although, he looked like he very much needed sleep when he was awake... seeing him rest made something warm spread throughout your chest from your heart.

One thing that had you mesmerized were all the freckles and moles on his face that decorated his skin like the stars did with the night sky. It was like looking up close at a painting that you could actually touch... You wanted nothing more than to make constellations out of his beauty marks. He was just so... breathtaking.

And then, your mind went elsewhere. He hadn't bothered to wake you up that previous night to tell you he was back or to scold you for wearing his shirt... Rather, he joined you in resting. And held you close. You wondered if he had done that on purpose or if it had happened in his sleep.

Which made you think... Had this been a small piece of Ben Solo reaching out? The way Kylo had cared for you?

Leaning over and pressing a soft, and lasting, kiss to his forehead, you carefully removed his arm from you before sitting up. A warm grin on your face as your heart fluttered. It was clear to you that something was building. Something within your heart was growing.

Just about ready to stand up, your jaw tightened as your eyes landed on the lone figure standing there, in the distance. "You think you're in love... How pathetic of you. Falling for the man who is meant to kill you? You very well know that this won't go well. That you will have to kill him before he kills you."

Watching as Snoke approached you, your heart began to race. "Don't think for a lousy second you can change Kylo Ren. That you can make his heart long for you. His fate is sealed, and so is yours. You will meet the end of his blade if you do not kill him first."

"You're not real..." You spoke up, lip trembling. "You're not real..."

"You can keep telling yourself that... But the more you do, the more you realize I am." He grinned as you slowly backed up on the bed. "I am very real. I live within your head. That darkness in your soul? It allows me to live. To haunt you. To torment you. To make you suffer for your wrong doings."

"You will kill Kylo Ren and you will never bring Ben Solo back. And with all that darkness, that hatred... that rage within you! You will bring death at your door! You will be your own undoing! You will die from insanity and I will have fulfilled my goal in getting my revenge on you-"

Gasping as you bumped right into Kylo, Kylo instantly woke up at the feeling of your distress, and your body colliding with his.

Instantly sitting up and hearing you pant, he wrapped his arms around you and brought you to him. "Are you okay?" He asked as you vibrates against him, eyes wide as your ears rung. 

"M- Mhm..." You lied with a nod, a tear slipping down your cheek and hitting Kylo's arm. "It- I was think about a nightmare..." You lied yet again. "And I was daydreaming about it."

Lightly furrowing his eyebrows, reading you well enough to know that wasn't the whole truth, he decided not to push. At least, not now.

Sitting in a small silence as he rubbed your arms, allowing you to press up against him, calming your racing heart, he came up with an idea. 

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