xvii. stillness

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Looking at the time presented on the datapad, you stood with a sigh. Your supposed 'shift' had reached its end and it was time for dinner.

Hux had shown you around to a few necessary places to get you by before he had taken you to your post, claiming that—if you ever got lost—there was a map built into the datapad.

But your memory was decent and you now found yourself exiting the room and entering the halls.

It was dead silent, was the hallway always this way? It made no sense as to why Hux put you somewhere so empty when the Supreme Leader wanted you to blend in... Was he hiding you in plain sight?

Keeping the both hands on the datapad before you, you had eventually placed the hat you had to wear with the uniform back on. Something that you were growing to dislike.

Aiming down the walkways, taking the turns you remembered that lead to the mess hall, you could feel a round of presences nearby. The once empty halls reaching to its point of being no longer. You wondered why the area you were in was so barren when most other halls were always flowing with someone or something.

Feeling the tablet buzz, your eyebrows knitted before you lifted it up, a message:

Your training will begin tomorrow at 0700 sharply. Meet where the map leads you to.

Closing the message and opening up the map, you saw a blinking red dot, you opening it and seeing a small alert that read Training, 0700.

Taking in a deep breath, you were about to lower the tablet until you felt the world around you suddenly slow down. The people in distance echoing out as you could hear a sort of vibration... A hum, within your ears.

Feeling someone walk right past you, all in dark colors, you blinked. Standing still in your spot, you slowly looked over, but all you saw was a piece of cloth disappear from behind a wall as they turned a corner.

Gulping as you felt your left hand tingle, you shook it off before everything snapped back to normal. The distant sounds of troopers talking, officers scurrying, droids swiftly rolling past... You wondered if what had happened was all in your head or if...

Rubbing your head, blaming your hunger, you continued your walk down to where you knew you'd be able to finally eat after so long. You were so caught up in... everything to not realize that you had hardly eaten.

Stopping in his tracks as he had turned a corner, Kylo looked down at the black floor for a moment. Taking a step back and turning, he eyed either end of the hallway he had just come through, only to see a group of stormtroopers stomp by.

Sucking in a breath and pushing his hand trough his hair, he had the sudden urge to walk down where he just was. To feel... To find what was calling to him. He felt the tug, the pull, the desire to waver from the path he was treading on.

But, he couldn't. So he turned around and walked down the way he was meant to go, letting out a deep exhale in hopes whatever it was that he was feeling in his chest and on his shoulders would dissipate.


Entering the mess hall and seeing the mass of stormtroopers and officers, you rubbed the back of your neck. It was odd how you didn't feel out of place... It was possibly because, with all the traveling you had done in your lifetime, you really had no place to refer back to. Nothing made you feel as if you belonged or didn't belong. It all felt the same.

Grabbing a tray of food, not questioning what it was as you appreciated anything you got, you made your way to a table, empty, near a corner.

For a moment, you eyed your surroundings. How a few officers had been discussing important matters, troopers talking about something completely off the tangent of the First Order... then your head turned in front of you.

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