vi. flash step

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Hearing a humming in your ears, a tugging at your chest, a pull within the Force, you reached your hand out and allowed it to hover over the hilt.

For a moment, you were so eager—so desperate to just grab it—but now you felt your heart racing. As if you shouldn't. As if your heart was warning you not to even if the Force wanted you to.

Watching as you hesitantly reached over, Luke sucked in a breath. "Take it."

Clutching onto it, a surge of energy shot through you. The Force. A voice echoed on your head. Then, a sudden connection.

Looking down at it, moving it around in your hold, you activated it. The hum that filled your mind and the blue beam that had your focus set on it. It was beautiful. Although the hilt was quite heavy... it was still one of a kind.

"Will it be mine?" You asked, moving it around, carefully waving and twirling it.

"If it feels right. If you feel a connection to it... if it suits you well when you battle." Luke said, watching you, unhooking his lightsaber and activating it, the sound and the green light caught your attention.

"Is that yours?" You asked as he nodded.

"Yes." At that, he lunged at you, you quickly blocking.

Swinging the lightsaber from side to side, sliding across the ground, quick to move on your feet as to not stand in one spot, you moved around the field of green against Luke.

With every attack he had, you had a counter. Of course, you weren't exactly that great, but you were doing far better than you had hoped.

Raising your lightsaber to block his own, you then lowered it to move his away. Anything to prevent it from touching you. Or even breathing on your skin or attire.

"Good! You are quick on your feet!" Luke called out, constantly moving, getting any and every opened spot of your own. "Are you ready?"

"For what?" Regretting the question, you saw the look in Luke's eyes. The determination, the passion... the goal. He was going to try anything and everything to break you.

"Agh." You grunted, teeth clenched as you tried to move as fast as you could, but your body was becoming exhausted. You were putting forth too much energy and pressure. You would soon overdo it.

"You can not give up nor give in. You can not let the enemy have the upper hand or your throat. You must be quick. Precise. Fast enough. Lightsabers are one of the greatest weapons to own... and to fight against."

Taking in heavy breaths, trying to avoid hits, you were slowly become sloppy as your arms ached. "Tired? Already? Impossible. I'm just getting started."

Gritting your teeth and groaning, you watched as his quick motions suddenly morphed into one, your heart racing loudly as the world around you blurred enough for you to focus on Luke.

Holding tightly onto the lightsaber, watching his crash against it, your foot shifted against the grass. Just about to lunge, you instantly found yourself standing behind him within seconds.

Although the two of you were too caught up in the moment, Luke couldn't help but realize what you had done. The swift movements, the quick appearance and disappearance... the reappearance... "Flash step." Luke spoke, quick to turn, pressing his lightsaber against your own. "Another ability for you..."

"Seems... so...." Shoving his lightsaber back, you huffed. "I'm coming to appreciate it." Pressing harder and harder, making him step back slowly, you swung your arm and instantly disarmed him. "Flash step..." You nodded, Luke's lightsaber now lying on the ground.

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