bonus i: han solo

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The sound of gravel shifting beneath your feet filled your ears. Staggered panting filled your lungs as distant shouting was heard. You knew you were in a world of trouble. Yet again. "This is just great!" You exclaimed under your breath, looking over your shoulder. "I don't need this now I just got here not even five minutes ago!"

Pulling out your blaster and aiming it, firing it at the men following you, you instantly ducked as they fired back. You were trying to have a good day, maybe relax a little at a bar, but trouble always followed.

You had just smuggled a few goods, bowering a ship since you didn't have your own... It turned out that the ship you had borrowed was actually from a well known gang that you should've stayed far away from. Especially when there was nothing but men now hunting you with deadly weapons.

Turning your head ahead and seeing a castle-like structure in the distance, surrounded by a lake, you were about to pick up your speed, only to feel a pair of hairy arms pull you behind a tree. "H- Hey! Get off-" Feeling the hand of the creature cover your mouth, your eyes squinted.

Looking over and seeing the group run right by, your shoulders slumped. The sound of a roar caused you to jump before a man walked in front of you. "You really should be careful, kid. You really don't want to mess with that gang. I've had a few run-ins... Not lovely." The old man before you said, easily in his fifties.

Lowering the hairy hand from you as you spat out the hairs that made it into your mouth, you turned and eyed the giant behind you. A tall, shaggy looking creature. One you've seen a few times around but never learned the name of the species.

Letting out a small roar, you tilted your head. "Chewie?" You questioned as they introduced.

"Ah, so you understand shyriiwook." The old man said as you turned your head to look at him.

"Uh, somewhat..." You lied. You just so happened to understand the creature... Chewie. "Who are you?" You asked.

Smirking, he stuck his hand out. "Han. That, is my buddy Chewie. Long time smugglers who can easily tell when other smugglers are about to get killed. You're lucky we found you in time." He said as your eyebrows narrowed.

"I could've handled myself perfectly fine." You crossed your arms, but that made him snicker.

"Ahh... Stubborn. You remind me of my son." He patted your shoulder as your arms dropped. "Let me get you something to drink. What are you, twelve? Maybe some water."

"Hey, I'm fifteen." You corrected. "Not twelve. And I am kind of new to the smuggling life..."

Looking over at you for a moment, Han took in a small breath. A young smuggler all on her own, he felt a hint of sympathy. You were alone and it was clear that you had no partner and lacked experience... "Come on, kid. Maybe I can teach you a few tricks." Nudging his head, you followed, the three of you aiming for the castle.

"Solo!" A short woman called out as you three entered. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you, too, Maz." Han bowed his head.

"And my favorite Wookiee..." She grinned up to Chewie as your eyebrows lifted, Chewie roaring in response. "And... who is this young lady?" Maz asked, eyes shifting back to you. "Clearly not your daughter... She's too beautiful. Unless, of course, she looks like-"

"No, she's not my daughter. Just a kid I saved from being killed moments ago." Han waved a hand as your shoulders dropped. "A fellow smuggler." He smiled as you nodded.

"A smuggler? You're pretty young... But I sense much greatness within you. Hmm, maybe you'll be better than these two." She teased as you smiled. "Come, let me get you something to drink, you seem tired." Grabbing your hand in her small one, Maz guided you away as Chewie and Han followed.

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