xxi. manipulation

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"Wonderful! Absolutely... wonderful." Snoke clapped, stepping off of his throne and aiming for you as you stood there, the guards now back to their places. "I knew you had it in you all along. Of course you do! You just needed that... Push..." Snoke's voice lowered as his hand reached out, his claw of a nail reaching out and dragging along your cheek. If you weren't solid like a stone with the lack of emotion you were trying to carry, you would've shivered. Gagged, if that. The feeling was anything but lovely. It was uncomfortable but you kept your stoic face. Even with the close proximity.

"I have never been more proud. Hux... He tries his best but, not enough. Then, there's Kylo Ren." He nearly snarled. "You are far better than him, my child." He grinned as you looked him in his not-so-thrilling crystal blue eyes. "He is a failure. A disappointment. He thought that killing the Jedi for me was enough to prove his loyalty to his master and the darkness!" Snoke snickered, something in you snapping at his words. Words that you'd have to ponder over later.

"You... on the other hand. I feel that full connection to the darkness. No wavering light. You have nothing... Nothing to protect. Nothing for you. No one there to pull you back. You are no one." Standing there, taking in small breaths, you lowly swallowed. "Unlike him... he has that wretched family of his who are so tied to the light and their false and misdirected hope." He seethed, clenching his fist.

"You... You will succeed and be the greatest. Away with the Skywalker bloodline, they are nothing." Snoke shook his head, looking you in the eye as you felt a small shiver run up your back. Then, he caressed your face and you could almost feel your lip want to twitch up in disgust. Was he like this towards Kylo in his early days of training? You had hoped not. "Your duty may be fulfilled sooner than you think." He laughed, breath hitting your skin as you lowered your eyes for a moment. "You will kill Kylo Ren in the days to come."

Taking a step back, he turned and aimed back to his throne, sitting and dismissing you. "You are free to return to your chambers, Vega." Bowing your head, you turned and walked away. The second you entered the lift and the second the doors shut, you took in a shaky breath.

He thought that killing the Jedi for me was enough to prove his loyalty to his master and the darkness! Hearing the words vibrate within your head, you shut your eyes for a moment as you looked down, thinking about Ben. Where was he? Why wasn't he within your sanctuary that was the high walls in your mind?

Rubbing your forehead as your eyes opened, the lift opened and you aimed towards your chambers. You needed a shower. A long one.

Walking through the quiet halls, you rolled your neck and shoulders, rubbing your back as your mind went blank. Something it never did.

Then, it all came crashing in. Your actions, what you had done earlier. Killing... Slaughtering... Murdering everyone in your sight including that man you forced your way into their head. You could hear it, their groans and screams of pain... The mans head crushing. Over and over... and over again.

Covering your ears as you gritted your teeth, you took in deep breaths, panting. Your sweat was resurfacing, forming on your forehead, beading up as you clenched your eyes shut. But, that made it worse. You could see it as if it were there. As if it were happening all over again.

Shoving yourself into your living quarters, you stripped off your clothes, the heat becoming overbearing as you rushed over to your washroom. Your breathing was becoming faster, your chest heaving. The cracking sound becoming louder and louder in your head.




Forcing the water on with... the Force, you instantly stepped into the shower and allowed the cold water to soak you up, free you from your burning body. You stood there for nearly forty minutes. The sounds lessening out, your haunting memories slowly fading away.

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