l. his legacy

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"KYLO!" You shouted as you forced yourself awake, confusion taking over you as bright lights blinded you. Lifting your hand and blocking the light, you sat up, only to feel dizzy.

Shutting your eyes and rubbing them, your heart thudded against your chest. Reopening your eyes and searching the room, your eyebrows knitted. It clearly wasn't the escape pod... and you clearly were no longer on the Supremacy.

Seeing the monitors surrounding you, you haphazardly removed anything and everything that was attached to you before you sat on the corner of the bed, trying to stand up, only to feel your legs wobble.

Grunting, you held onto the bed and felt your legs tingle. Looking over to the large, open window before you, you carefully walked over. Step by step, you leaned your palms against the opening and looked out. The bright sun beaming down and the gentle breeze patting against your skin. The sight before you was beautiful. A vast lake and all the greenery. You couldn't help but wonder if you had died—and this time, not had been revived.

Then, it hit you. The escape pod, your last sight being of Kylo and BB-9E. Feeling your heart snap, shattering into pieces, you shook your head. "Kylo? Kylo?!" You called out, but there was no response. "KYLO!" You shouted, eyes brimming with tears, only to see the door open. "K-"

"Y/N..." Seeing the older woman stand at the door way, you shook your head.

"Where's Kylo?" Your voice nearly cracked as Leia walked over to you, gently placing a hand on your arm. "Where is he?" Staring at her as the silence was eating you alive, she looked down.

"I don't know..." She admitted. "Y/N... you were in an escape pod and you crashed-"

"Where am I?" You nearly panicked.

"Naboo..." Leia answered as your shoulders dropped. "You were in a coma..."

Looking at her with watery eyes, you gulped. "For how... long?"

"A little over two weeks-"

"T- Two weeks?! But-"

"Y/N, please..." Leia breathed. "I was informed on what happened... Naboo isn't far off from Crait and D'Qar... As well as where the First Order ships were positioned. You were lucky enough to have been taken in by Naboo's gravitational pull." Leia said. "You were found and, by sheer coincidence, not that far off from Theed."

Eyeing her as a few tears slipped, you bit down. "Why are you here?"

"I live here now." She confessed. "From time to time I do visit the new Resistance base... but, I'm no longer a General and I've been doing it for so long... it was time I hand it over. Plus... I don't think I've ever taken a break in my life. It's hard to when I care so much for this galaxy." Leia said. "But, Poe insisted... and, I knew I had to. Plus, this is my mother's home world and many of the people know who I am. They welcomed me with open arms... It was time I moved on."

Slowly nodding your head, you turned and looked back out at the windows. You were on Naboo. The planet you grew to love. The planet you started your relationship with Kylo... The planet you imagined living on with him, within your fantasies and never telling him. Because it was just that, a fantasy.

Then, your mind settled on Kylo. And you could only think about was Kylo. All that he had sacrificed for you. All that he had gone through in his life. He didn't deserve to go, not now, and definitely not ever. Not with the ship and not with the First Order.

"Kylo..." Your voice cracked as you softly spoke, falling to your knees as you buried your face into your palms, tears streaming uncontrollably as you broke down.

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