bonus iv: sweet dreams

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The aches and the pains that were felt throughout Kylo's body kept him wide awake. Grunting, hissing, yelling at the nurses and droids that tried helping him. It had been hours since he was saved from the imploding of Starkiller Base, and hours since his defeat from the scavenger.

It pained him just as much mentally as it did physically. His failure. The fact that a day aware Force sensitive was able to defeat him—someone who had been training with the Force for years on end. And he knew his Master would not be pleased with the loss.

But, the confrontation with Snoke wasn't the biggest of his worries, if anything, he was more upset in his own Master than he was fearful. He was feeling envious but also furious with the man... creature... being. Kylo knew he was meant for more than to just try and recruit another Force user or try to kill them. More than just a Commander and Knight. He was more and deserved more.

Lying down, injuries wrapped up, Kylo gritted his teeth in frustration from being held down by restraints. He hated the position he was in, he wanted to be up and moving, doing something. But, he knew, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't.

After hours upon hours of struggling in his spot, finding ways to escape or to at least be left alone, he finally found himself asleep. Something he hardly did on the daily but so desperately needed.

If and when Kylo had the chance to actually get some rest, he usually woke up a few hours after, no thanks to his constant nightmares. Nightmares of his past, or even his worst fears. Things that haunted him or things that drove his anger.

But, instead of finding himself in a void of darkness, or reliving a memory he wanted no part of... he found himself surrounded by light. And nothing but it. A bright sun beaming down, nature sounding all around him, nature surrounding him as he sat there... holding someone close to him.

In the distance was a waterfall, roaring as the water came rushing down, crashing into the lake. It was so calming and soothing. Sucking in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air as he shut his eyes for a moment, Kylo reopened them and felt a pair of hands move into his own as he looked down. They had said something to him as they buried into his chest, but he couldn't make out as to what.

Then, they held onto him, fingers moving along his arm as they kept speaking—yet, he couldn't hear a thing. But, he didn't seem to question any of it. It all felt right. As if this had been real life and the life he was living was nothing but a long nightmare.

Seeing the person in his arms turn, he couldn't seem to see their face, almost as if it were blurred. They gently pushed him down as they laid beside him, looking up at the clouds and pointing at them as he held them close. An arm was wrapped around their waist, hand resting on... their protruding stomach.

It all felt so real, the way he could hear the distant birds and the winds pushing the grass around him, the distant waterfall... And the person resting against him, as if they were physically there. As if they were actually on him, resting their head on his shoulder, leaving gently kisses against his neck and jaw.

He could feel himself slowly slipping from that world, everything around him fading away. Kylo tried so hard to latch on, to keep himself in that world, but, no matter how hard he tried, he found himself waking up with tears in his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling before him. No longer resting on the ground with the person who seemed to have loved him, rather... he was lying on a cot. Half of his face was wrapped up as was his waist, a blanket up to his mid torso as his arms clutched onto the material.

For once, he had actually dreamt of something nice... something he hadn't known he longed for until he had found himself in it.

And, little did he know, that that would be his future.



Kylo got a glimpse into his future and didn't even know it...

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