ix. ben solo

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You are not alone...

You never were...

No matter how empty you feel...

Or how distant from the world around you seem to be...

You are not alone.

There is always something there... someone there.






Standing in the darkness, surrounded by nothing but emptiness... a void of space, you felt yourself tremble. The world around you echoed with faint cries, haunting you.

The chills ran down your spine. Your blood ran cold. It was anything but welcoming. It was terrifying.

Feeling your body shiver as you heard eerie echoes, you slowly turned around. Going against your own will. Wanting nothing more than to escape.

Red walls aligned beside you, a long, dark pathway was now beneath your feet... guiding you.

Who are you?

This isn't what you were meant to be.

Let it flow through you.

Who are you?

You were meant for more...

Let it guide you.

Who are you?

You are not meant for this wretched life.

Let it become one with you.

Who are you?

Hearing the voices become louder and louder, you clutched your ears as you shut your eyes, tears spilling and sliding down your cheek, into the ground beneath you with a loud plop!, sending a rippling effect around you.

Everything, time and space, slowly disappeared. The red walls surrounding you turning into puffs of air as the path way now blended into the ground, black all around you, the darkness consuming you.

Don't let it control you.

Don't let it fool you.

Don't cave in.

Don't fight against it.

Don't fall through.

Don't hang on.

Taking in deep breaths as your feet were becoming consumed by the black, it coming to life, absorbing you within it, you panicked. You couldn't scream, you couldn't run. You were stuck. The black was crawling up your skin, bleeding into you and becoming part of you, like an exoskeleton. Like second skin. And you were terrified.

Unable to stop it as it was just about read to swallow you whole, you shot up awake, not realizing that you now had the lightsaber in your hold. You don't remember sleeping with it...

Placing it to a side, you rubbed your face as your heart raced, only to feel the wetness in your cheeks. Looking down at your hands, expecting to see the tears, you only saw black.

Gasping, you shut your eyes, reopening them and seeing nothing.

Whatever it was... it was seeping into your reality and you were afraid that you were losing control.

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