xviii. there is only power

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That night had gone by terribly slow, tossing and turning on your now comfortable bed. It was far better than the cot you slept on before, although nearly just as small. There was more cushion, at least.

Waking up naturally to an early time, sitting up and rubbing your face, you eyed the data pad. You had an hour before training with Snoke...

A part of you was anticipating it, although not afraid, you were cautious. You knew what you were about to step into.

Taking a few minutes to meditate, you crossed your legs and sat there, repeating what you had done the day before.

A bed...

Four dark walls...

The air humming in the vents...

The people passing...




The open space...

The galaxy...

The universe...

Opening your eyes and seeing the tall walls that kept you safe, constantly shifting in height, you lowered your gaze ahead of you. Someone was there.

It wasn't Ben... you hadn't seen Ben in some time and wondered as to what happened. Was it because you had stowed yours—his—lightsaber away? Or was it because you had met Kylo Ren... through the Force?

Just about to walk over to whoever it was, a sudden wall appeared before you, sending you stumbling back and knocking you right out of your vision.

Swallowing as you opened your eyes, you rubbed your face. A part of you believed, or wanted to, that that had been Kylo. Although they were far off, the hair was a give away... but not the attire. It wasn't the same as before.

Standing from your bed and preparing for the day ahead of you, you showered and walked out in a robe, over to your closet. Sliding the door open and walking up to where the folded up black clothing was, you pulled it out and let it fall open.

It was far different than what you had with Luke... The top portion was long sleeved, tight at your arms as you had pulled it on. It was hugging your torso unlike what you had worn on Ahch-To. Much more constraining. It had a tight turtleneck... and the bottom part had been short and had a pair of slits for your legs to move with mesh shorts underneath. Everything was tight, showing your figure far more than the 'Jedi' robes. Although much like the dress you had... this was less breathable.

Then, there was the boots, reaching mid calf as the stocking were much like the shorts, long enough to almost be a part of them. Everything was black and blending together. Some parts being off black, nearly gray, while others were pitch black. You had gloves as well, much like the wraps you had worn before except in leather; every inch of you covered except your face. A belt and... a hooded cape that barely touched the ground.

Taking in a deep breath and eyeing yourself in the mirror of your wash room, you huffed. This was much different than what you had before... then again, you weren't one to get used to things when it was always temporary. Always.

"For the Force. For myself. For him." You said to yourself before exiting your room, making your way to where you knew Snoke had been waiting.

Walking with your back straight, head high, keeping a stoic look on your face. "An anchor." Anakin's words echoed within your head. You had to remember why you were there. Why you were doing this. You had to keep a strong mind. And keep an anchor.

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