xlix. escape pod

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Seeing Hux about to pull the trigger once again, you smacked the blaster right out of his hand before throwing your fist.

Feeling the contact against his nose, he stumbled back before standing straight and charging for you.

The ceiling was falling apart and the ship continued to shake violently. The ground beneath you vibrating as the sirens rang in your ears. Hux threw punches your way as you ducked, swiping your leg and tackling him. Slamming your fist against his face and seeing the blood surface from his broken nose and busted lip, your eyes burning. "You- You asshole!" You shouted as Hux grinned, your heart racing. You knew you shouldn't have acted on your anger but you couldn't let him kill you.

Catching your fist and flipping you over, Hux's hands latched onto your neck and tightened his grip. "None of this would've happened if you had chosen me over him." He gritted his teeth as you gasped for air, tears slipping as you clawed at his hands.

"You're... a psycho!" You cried out, pieces of debris falling as fires erupted. "I would've... never chosen you!" Lifting your knee as you slammed your forearm against his inner elbow, you threw your fist against his cheek and sent him back as you forced yourself up.

Landing the starfighter in the hangar of the Supremacy, after moments before watching the Finalizer slice right through all the First Order vessels, Kylo frantically rushed out of the TIE, seeing the chaos around him. The disaster, all the panicking officers and rushing stormtroopers.

Trying to catch your breath as Hux aimed right for you, catching you off guard as you grunted, his fist broke the skin of your cheek. You were trying so hard not to rely on the Force, afraid you'd lose any control and that you'd do something far more drastic than you had to.

Stumbling around, sending kicks and blocking his punches, either of you were panting and bleeding; you hunched forward as you wheezed, Hux knocking the wind right out of you.

Reaching for his blaster, Hux instantly shot at you, you not moving in time and feeling the burning sensation in your thigh. "AGH!" You hissed, forcing yourself up and swatting your hand as the blaster flew out of his grip.

"You can't kill me. You are trying so hard... not to use the Force. Trying so hard not to use the ways of the dark side." Hux grinned, blood covering his teeth as chills ran down your spine.

Forcing yourself to walk, you pulled him towards you through the force and punched him, causing him to stumble back as he laughed. "You maniac..." You breathed.

"You are trying so hard not to kill me... So very hard." Wiping the blood from his lip, hunched over as a few strands of his hair fell over his forehead, you clutched your leg, panting.

Trying to keep yourself up, you only fell to your knees. "I will kill you! And I will kill him! And then I will kill the remaining of the Resistance and your little hope will be nonexistent!" Hux spat, walking over to a pile of debris, ripping a piece right off as it pierced through his glove and skin, causing blood to trickle.

Trying to force yourself up, you gritted your teeth. Both you and Hux were a bloody mess, the world around you falling apart as you heard BB-9E frantically beeping from afar.

Lifting your head, a harsh yell instantly left your lips as your eyes had shut, a piece of metal being stabbed into your shoulder.

Seeing Hux stumble back with a wicked grin, you ripped the metal right out and forced yourself to your feet, hitting it across his head as it instantly slipped from your grip, you falling back as Hux had from the sudden impact.

Feeling his heart race within his chest, the loud ring of the alarms echoing within his head, Kylo felt your distress. Your agony being felt through the Force as he quickened his pace, shoving past those running in the opposite direction of him as he panicked. "Y/N!" He shouted. "Y/N?!"

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