xlii. a place to get away

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Taking the co-pilot seat, manning the panel as you moved from buttons to switches, Kylo watched you intently. So you knew how to fly. He should've seen this coming, with you being a Force user and from Corellia. He found it to be impressive.

"You can pilot?" Kylo asked, breaking the silence between the two of you as you nodded.

"Yeah, that ship that I took to Ahch-To was mine. Astrobleme." You admitted, turning your head to look at Kylo.

"Astrobleme?" He asked as you let out a faint chuckle. 

"She has a name. Uh, it... My ship does. What person doesn't name their ship?" You shrugged as he lightly smiled, thinking about the Millennium Falcon—and a few others that came to mind. "Sadly... She's back on Ahch-To."

Seeing the frown on your lips, Kylo leaned over and kissed your temple before manning the ship on his end. "We'll get her back."

Smiling to yourself, you looked at him momentarily before looking ahead, out the window. The stars now came into your view as you took in a small breath. There was nothing like open space. Something about the isolation... yet, the vastness of it, all entranced you. Much like the freckles on Kylo's skin.

"You know, I have my own ship... the Silencer." He said. "Although it's back on Ahch-To... We could get them back. I'd love to see you pilot the TIE..."

Looking back over at Kylo, you grinned. "Really?"


"We should get them now... Leave this one behind..." You suggested, hesitantly, Kylo then looking over at you.

"Yeah." He nodded. Although a sudden decision, you were surprised Kylo went with it.

The two of you jumped to light-speed and swiftly made your way back to Ahch-To and the island you were once on. Once you saw it come into view, you couldn't help but think about the first time you had went to it and found Luke. The real Luke. Not his projection.

Landing the ship where the Falcon once was, you lowered the ramp and walked out, standing there for a moment and eyeing what you could see before Kylo had placed a hand on your lower back and guided you with him.

Finding your ship first, Kylo watched you open the ramp up and took a step back to let it lower. "I'll see you back on the Supremacy." He said to you from behind, you looking over and nodding.

Looking over at the ramp, you then turned to face him, rushing up to him and pulling him down into a quick kiss. Kissing you back, you were just about to separate, but Kylo got a hold of you and kept you close for a moment longer.

Moving his lips to your cheek, you wrapped your arms around him and held him to you. "I love you." You whispered, Kylo shutting his eyes momentarily before kissing your temple.

"I love you, too." He breathed, letting go of you as you smiled up at him, then turning and walking up the ramp. "Hey."

Turning and looking at him, you responded. "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

Shaking your head, you smiled. "Always." At that, you left from his sight, Kylo soon making his way to his TIE as the two of you eventually returned to the Supremacy.

Snarling as he walked down the halls with the taste of sheer disappointment on his tongue, Hux clenched his fists. He had found out that the Supreme Leader had left suddenly without a word. He was also told that you had left just before him.

Something was up and he wasn't liking it one bit. He knew there was more to it. To the fact that Kylo was still alive and you were now working alongside him.

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