xxxv. love

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A few days had passed since the revelation and the moment Kylo kept his promise. And, he did as he said. He protected you. Although not physically, his presence was enough to keep you from those dark moments.

Kylo tried keeping you as close to him as possible, but seeing as he was now the new Supreme Leader, it wasn't all that easy. So, when it came down to him being busy, he made sure that you at least felt his presence nearby as a reminder that you were not alone.

But, when he was around, you made the best out of it. You tried opening up more and more to him, although there wasn't much left to give. As for Kylo, he tried not being so reserved. You had poured your heart and soul out to him numerous times and it was starting to make him feel guilty.

"I've never had someone else in my life care for me..." You spoke, sitting on Kylo's bed, just diagonal to him as he sat with his back against the headboard. "It's always been just me... I'm not used to having company. But, it feels nice..." You nodded, fiddling with the bed sheets in your hand.

It had been a late night for the two of you, you couldn't quite sleep and neither could he, spending hours just talking. Voices low and soft with the occasional silence. It was comforting. It felt nice. And it wasn't forced. "Me too." He admitted, you looking up and giving him a small smile. "Although I did have some moments when I was training to be a Jedi... it never was something serious."

Slowly nodding your head, you took in a small breath. "You've had past lovers..."

Looking over at you, he blinked. "I wouldn't call them lovers... I never really felt love for any of them." He said, watching as you kept your focus low. "None of them gave me a reason to."

Nodding your head, you pushed some hair behind your ear, "I've never been in love. I mean, I've liked people but they were never meant for anything more. Not with the life I lived. I liked to believe I didn't have that privilege of being in love when I wasn't stable enough." Narrowing his eyebrows, Kylo's head slightly tilted. "But... I don't think I'll ever be stable. I think what I have now is the most... stable I could possibly be."

"You don't know that." Kylo said, your eyes trailing up to meet his. "You're still young."

"Yes, but... who would love a girl who has a demon haunting her?" You awkwardly chuckled, shaking your head and looking down.

Kylo, in that very moment, couldn't help but feel upset. It wasn't like you asked for this life or followed through for the sake of power or to rule the galaxy. Or to even prove to others your worth. You were there because you had no idea what path you were even on and false guidance lead you that way.

He saw how broken you were, but how much you tried to fix yourself. He saw how scared you were, but how your tried your best to seem fine and fight through it. He saw how much you tried gripping into the light even though the darkness was tugging it away.

He saw you for you. The whole picture and not just the beauty or the innocence. He saw someone who didn't need anyone but wanted them anyways.

He saw himself in you. A less sloppy version with more potential and hope. Someone who still had a chance of staying... good.

He saw something so bright within you that called to him; a voice so loud that he wanted nothing more than to answer it. That care, the affection... the faint adoration. He felt it and you weren't even trying to hide it because you've gone forever without it. And you wanted someone to reciprocate it.

And he wanted to give that you. Because, in the still lit parts of his heart, he felt something just as strong for you.

"I just... I hope to have that..." Taking in a deep breath, your stomach turned. "With you."

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