iv. a void of color

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Stuck on an island...

Learning things you already know...

What good is it for you?

Sitting in complete silence, hearing a voice echo in your head, a sudden knock had caught your attention. And, without realizing it, you aimed your blaster.

You are meant for more...

Blinking, you shook your head. "Y/N, I made food." Luke spoke on the other side of the steel door, making you stand up.

"Okay..." You answered, lowering the blaster and placing it on the makeshift 'bed' you had sat on.

Rubbing your face and sucking in your breath, you walked outside and hadn't realized the sun had been setting.

Not seeing Luke, you only heard fire crackling and the smoke lifting into the sky, the brightness of it guiding you as you followed its direction.

Rolling your neck and stretching out your arms, you saw Luke come into view... as well as a rock. "Is this going to be a spontaneous thing?" You asked, tossing the rock to a side.

"Yes, like I said, improving your skills. The more you train, the better and quicker you become." Luke waved a hand as he spoke. "Maybe, in time, you can grab a rock and toss it at me before I can even lift one."

Letting out a small huff of a laugh, you joined him and sat on a log, Luke handing you a stick that had a fish on it. "What is it?"

"Fish." Luke answered before biting into it, ripping it apart with its teeth as your eyebrows lifted.

"I'm well aware of fish... Never mind." You shook your head, eyeing it before biting into it. At this point you were starving and you'd eat nearly anything... Except the Porg. In which the same one was now sitting beside you, as if it recognized you.

Eating away at the fish, finishing it faster than you expected, Luke handed you a bottle. "And this is?"

"Milk from a Thala Siren, native to Ahch-To. Try it." Luke nodded, you narrowing your eyebrows before taking a sip, only to cough.


"Thick but nutritious. Get used to it cause it's all you can drink." He said, patting your shoulder before taking the bottle away, chugging it.

Watching him drink it casually, you hadn't realized it was green until you saw the content seep from the bottle. You were only used to blue milk...

Sitting in a comfortable silence, hearing the fire crack and the ocean water crash onto the island from bellow, you held your cloak tightly to your body with the drop in temperature. You wondered as to how long Luke truly lived on that island and why... What was it that drove him there?

It was clear that it was a lonely island, living amongst birds and creatures that you could hardly communicate with. You only wondered how things went on in his mind... Which made you curious, you've read into other people's minds but they felt it... What if there was a way to let his thoughts seep into your own?

And then you wondered... could he hear yours?

"You want to know something." Luke spoke, breaking the silence. "You're curious... Very curious..."

Looking over at him, you bit your inner cheek. "It's a bad habit..."

"Curiosity can be good, as well as bad. It depends on how you use it. You are curious in many ways. Curious about the Force... Curious about me."

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