xi. out of body

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Black hallways.

Silver walls.

White lights.

A door...

A presence.

It's close...

It's right there...

Behind the door, I feel it...

Reaching your hand out, seeing it come into view, you were just about to open the door... that is until you were sent back. Flying farther away from it, through endless amounts of doors that never ceased opening. Free falling through them.

Trying to reach out, trying to somehow use the Force to stop you from falling, you suddenly landed with a thud.

Lying there, head throbbing, you sat up. Who are you? A voice echoed, vibrating around you. Who are you?

Who are you?

Searching around you, seeing nothing but a pathway, a figure came into view.

Who are you?

"Hello?" You called out, seeing someone dressed in white, bare feet keeping them in their spot.

Who are you?

Swallowing, you took slow steps, their backside facing you. "Hello?" Your voice echoed, the figure looking down, your eyes following... That lightsaber in their hold... it was the same one at your hip.

Or, at least was at your hip.

Gasping, you shot your head back up, the person walking away. "Wait!" You reached your hand out, but they wouldn't halt. "Wait, please!"

Seeing them grow further and further away from you, your lightsaber now in their hold, you tried running but couldn't, your movements were slow as the persons... the man's... grew faster.

Who are you?

That lightsaber... it belongs to me!

Who are you?

He was weak and foolish like his father!

Who are you?

I want to be free of this pain...

Trying to quicken up your pace, you felt yourself panic. Who was it? Who had taken your lightsaber away from you?

I want to be free...

I want to be free...



Will you help me?

Hearing the voice flow in and out, echoing, becoming hallow, you reached out... but the Force wasn't in your favor. 

Seeing the figure turn a corner, you followed after, only to come to a stop as you saw snow. Nothing but snow and a never ending forest.

Standing still, eyeing the brand new atmosphere around you, you saw a dark, clouded sky. Then, your attention was caught. Shifting in the snow.

Looking back ahead, you saw someone... a little boy peeking from behind a tree, looking right at you.

Rushing over, reaching the tree, you saw no one. "Hello?" You called out again.

It'll be okay...

He will protect you...

No one will ever hurt you, I promise.

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