v. the x-wing

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Standing in the rain, hearing the pitter-patter as you overlooked the vast ocean that roared and crashed into the island, you blinked away the water from your eyes as your hood covered your hair.

Shutting your eyes and reaching into the Force, seeing the ocean and the depth of it, you extended your arm out.

You felt it. The Force flowing through you... strong as ever. Overpowering. Pulling through it, reaching and holding, you heard water flowing... falling back into the ocean.

Pulling your fist back, your eyes opened at the sight before you. The deterioration X-Wing.

Blinking, you took a few steps back as it landed on the terrain before you. "Unbelievable..." You breathed, walking closer to it, seeing fish flop out, sea plants hanging and sticking to it.

"Powerful... are you. Lifted the X-Wing on your first try... you have." Furrowing your eyebrows, you turned. A figure, glowing in blue, spoke to you. "Impressive!"

"Wh-who are you?" You questioned, watching them walk closer with a makeshift cane.

"That is of no importance... what is, is you." They poked their stick, aiming it towards you. "An imbalance in you... I feel. A strong one that is."


"I know the Force... I am the Force."

"You're the... Force? You're pretty small to be the Force..." You lifted an eyebrow, only for them to laugh.

"Yoda, I am. Student, you are. Learner... but afraid. You fear something greater. I sense it."

"I..." Closing your mouth, you took in a deep breath. "I don't know what it is..."

"You do. You do." He nodded. "Finding your place in this, you are. Only you know... where you belong. No one else."

"But I don't..." You said, shaking your head. "All of this... is brand new to me. I feel it all. I feel everything... but nothing."

"The Force. It is everywhere. Mysterious. But, you learn... learn to understand what it wants. What you need. Where you are meant to be, the Force will lead you. In do time."

Looking down at Yoda, you swallowed. "You are lost but... find yourself, you will. Believe me. Believe in the Force. Listen. Look."

Looking over at the X-Wing, you took in a deep breath. "You know what you must do... Follow that path." Shutting your eyes and feeling the rain, hearing the ocean and the distant Porgs, you reopened them. Looking to your left, you saw Yoda had gone.

"Much to learn about yourself and the Force, you have." Looking up at the night sky and feeling the rain pat against your skin, you lowered your head and walked away. So much help from the frog man.

The next morning had come swiftly, dusting away the late night showers and bringing in bright rays of sunshine.  Luke had found himself standing in front of the damaged and deteriorating X-Wing. His X-Wing.

You had done it. But how many tries? He couldn't help but think about his training on Dagobah... how he failed countless of times.

Luke only wondered as to how strong you truly were with the Force.

Could you manipulate others? Use mind control? Stop a battlecruiser on your own? He only imagined...

He was powerful, he knew this all very well... but how powerful were you?

Luke felt as if you were far stronger than he could ever be... and that's what had him worried. He had seen this before and he did not want a repeat.

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