bonus ii: jedi knight

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"Coruscant..." You said as you eyed the planet that was now in your line of vision, just about to enter its atmosphere. It was one of the closest planets to Corellia and was your first stop in "seeing the galaxy." You had Han to thank for this. If not, you probably would've been running still, or maybe dead.

Working your way around and finding a place to land in the insanely overcrowded planet, you found yourself on an outside landing platform. Exiting Astrobleme, you eyed your surroundings. All the buildings, zooming by speeders, the congested life. All the lights and signs. You wondered how someone could possibly live there.

Walking around, you heard a droid speak. "Welcome to Coruscant! 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year. The city life and political life. Try CoCo town or even Monument Plaza. Maybe even our lovely museums. Or maybe you're into the night life, check out Uscru district. One of our most famous points of interest is the Federal Public where you can find-"

Turning your attention away from the droid speaking, your attention was caught on a distant structure. It looked like a temple of some sort. Narrowing your eyebrows and walking ahead, your attention was caught by a zooming by speeder that made you stumble back. "Watch where you're goin!"

Looking at them, your eyebrows narrowed. Walking to them, the creature glared at you. "What?! Are you lost?! You want money!"

"I want your speeder."

"Huh? You're funny, little one-"

"You will get out and give me your speeder." You said, the creature instantly standing up and doing so. "And you will stay here all night until you realize you're lost." At that, you hopped into the speeder and flew off.

Finding yourself reaching closer and closer to the temple like structure, you landed in a nearby open area before hopping off. For some reason, it had caught your attention. Something about it drew you to it.

Walking towards it, hiding behind a pillar, your head tilted. It seemed abandoned, or as if it was hardly used. Just about to walk closer, a group of people walked by and made you instantly hide back, watching. There was someone leading them, someone really tall. They all seemed formal... Then, from afar, your eyes landed on someone watching.

Squinting your eyes and trying to draw them out from the distance between the two of you, all you could see was that they were wearing a beige robe and had dark hair.

Hearing talking, you looked back at the group, then back over to where the figure was... only to see they were gone. "What..." Narrowing your eyebrows, you were about to walk out, only to be pulled back.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy, if they see you, they'll kill you!" Hearing the person speak, you looked up but could hardly see their face from the darkness all around you, their hood blocking their features.

"Wh- What?" You stuttered, something strange moving about you but you couldn't grasp onto as to what it was.

"Look, you need to get out of here." They said, but you shook your head, snapping out of your thoughts.

"Hey, I don't even know who you are! I am just eyeing that structure!" You pointed but they instantly covered your mouth.

"Shh, they'll hear you and come over here." He whispered as you shook your head.

Lowering his hand, you stood up straight. "Okay, mysterious robed one, then tell me what that is." You pointed again to the building behind you.

Hearing them sigh, you bit your inner lip. "That was a Jedi Temple, then turned palace to the Galactic Empire. Now it's a disaster and it's not safe out here and you should leave."

"No way, I came to Coruscant to see Coruscant, I'm not going to just leave!" You shook your head.

"Then go somewhere else! There are plenty of other places to look at-"

"But I want to see that!"

"But you cant!" Hearing distant footsteps, the man instantly pushed you back against the pillar as he nearly pressed against you. "Great, I'm going to lose them." He shook his head, you looking over and seeing the group.

"Wh- What is happening? Why are you so frantic?"

"Dammit..." He hissed, watching the group leave, only to pull you away, towards the direction of the speeder. "You need to leave. Now."

"But, I-"

"Leave!" He called out before running, leaving you standing there, confused. The feeling still moving in your veins.

"I don't even know who you are?! You're telling me to leave as if I should trust you!" You called over to them.

"I am a Jedi Knight and I think it's best you listen to me." He said, looking over his shoulder as you got a sudden glimpse of their eyes, the moons in the sky shining down and reflecting off of them as your heart suddenly skipped a beat. A strange sense of familiarity hitting you. "Get away from here and get somewhere safe." At that, he turned his attention back ahead and left your sight.

Standing there with a racing heart, a small breath left your parted lips. "Jedi Knight..."



Who do you guys think the Jedi Knight was? ;)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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