xv. hidden

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Taking in a deep breath as Snoke took a small step back for you to stand, you broke your silence. "Where is he?" You asked.

"The one held responsible?" Nodding your head, Snoke let out an exhausted sigh at the thought. At the thought of him... the one who continued to fail him, disobey him... Disappoint him. The one who could never surpass his grandfather. "Kylo Ren."

"Is that the one?" You asked, Snoke nodding.

"The one you're after, yes." Snoke said. "As of now, he is not on this ship... but, he tends to be as of late. Stay away for the time being. You do not want him sensing you out." He asserted. "Keep yourself hidden, no one must sense you. He must not figure you out."

Bowing your head, Snoke waved over to Hux. "You will know who he is through the Force. Be cautious. Be aware."

"Supreme Leader." Hux bowed.

"Show her to her quarters, from there she will find her new attires for her position in the Order. Then, you will give her a spot amongst the rest of the officers. Find her a place to blend in. I will leave the rest to me." Snoke shifted back in his seat, dismissing either of you after saying, "Do not fail me, Arya Vega."

"I will not, Supreme Leader." At those words, both Snoke and Hux knew where your loyalties had lied.

Exiting the throne room and guiding you along, Hux walked with his head held high and arms crossed behind his back. A calculated stride. It was clear he knew what he was doing and knew everyone respected him... At least, nearly everyone did.

He was more than happy with this new found change. You... to bring down the one thing that held the First Order back. To rid what got in the way of his future. Of what he was entitled to have. To be the next Supreme Leader.

"You will be living amongst the rest of the officers in your chambers. You will be posted near me on here. I am not normally stationed on the Supremacy but as of now I will be."

"Am I going to be your... assistant?" You asked.

"No. I will give you a task to deal with to make you blend in in your time off from training so no one questions who you are. You will be an officer posted near the command center but you will also be able to work through a datapad if need be. I will give you a spot and show you the basics. Other than that, most of your time will be with the Supreme Leader."

"As long as I'm not obvious."

"Well, with what you're wearing now, you are." Continuously walking, Hux then came to a stop. "But, you may change into what is set in your closet."

"How could you possibly think the clothing is the right size?" You questioned as Hux punched in a code to the living quarters.

"Supreme Leader handled that." Blinking at his answer with a small furrow in your eyebrows, you heard the door slide open. "Here, your data pad. I will be sending you private messages on what to do and what to deal with. You will also receive alerts and other messages when the Supreme Leaders requests your presence."

"And the code for the door?"

"All in there." Hux pointed as he moved to a side, allowing you in to your newfound... home. "I will come back in half an hour, giving you your first task. Change into your officer uniform. I will see you soon, Vega." He grinned as you gave him a single nod, taking a step back as the door closed.

Turning away, you eyed the data pad, seeing certain files and apps were restricted with special codes while others were free to explore.

Placing it down to a side, you eyed the chamber. Small and simple. A bed sat in between two night stands, a door that lead to a washroom... A table with a single chair across the bed and to the right of the bed was the closet. There was even a small fridge.

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