xxx. join me

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Walking closely beside Kylo, steady breathing as silence filled the air between the two of you, either of you cane to a stop at the door of your personal quarters. "Thank you for dinner." You nodded with a small smile.

Looking down at you, into your eyes and searching them, he gave you a small bow of his head. "Sleep well."

Nodding, you tiptoed enough to kiss his cheek before entering your humble abode. Or, well, not so much of an abode. Just a bedroom.

Watching the door shut, Kylo stood there for a moment longer, the feeling of your lips lingering and leaving a tingling sensation behind. Something he was so unaccustomed to. Affection. And in the simplest of ways.

Undressing yourself, taking a shower before exiting and changing into your nightwear, you sucked in a small breath in content. A gentle smile grazed your lips. You were happy. For once. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this way. Although a very long and eventful day... Kylo ended it on a wonderful note.

Kylo... You never expected yourself to grow so close to him. To feel this attachment you now felt. To find yourself wanting his presence the most out of anyone else. For some reason... You felt secure around him.

Turning to crawl onto your bed, your heart skipped a beat at the sight before you. Snoke standing in the corner of your room.

Shutting your eyes, tight enough in hopes it was your imagination, you thought about your anchor. "You're not real..." You mumbled, slowly opening your eyes and seeing Snoke was no longer there.

Gulping, you pushed your hair behind your ears with shaky fingers as you cautiously moved to your bed. You had to remind yourself that he was dead. That he could no longer do you—or Kylo—any harm.

Bundling yourself up, wrapped in your sheets, you felt the softness of your bed consume your exhausted body. Your head resting against the fluffy pillow and instantly sending you off into the world your mind created for your nightly (mental) rendezvous.

But, what you had found yourself in was anything but that. You were in that forest once again. Surrounded by the unknown. The fear that haunted you. The darkness that lurked. The towering trees that enclosed you.

It was suffocating. You felt trapped, and the fear of the unknown had crept up your spine.

Just about ready to turn and break into a sprint, to be anywhere but there, you were trapped. Your feet were tied to the ground. Vines had bound you into the forest where your greatest fear lingered in the darkness before you. Snoke and the blade that would bring your death sentence.

"You thought you could escape? No one escapes their destiny... Not even you, child of darkness. The one the Force seems to favor, when, in reality... it does not when it cant save you from your fate. The fate that lies in this monstrous blade." Aiming the lightsaber towards you as your heart began to race, pounding in your ears as you tried and tried to free yourself, tugging, Snoke lifted the blade. "You thought you could rid me. That I'd be gone forever. That you'd be free."

"I fear your worst fears have come to life. I will haunt you every second of every minute of every hour. I will be there watching. Waiting. I will count down the moments you greet death. I will always be there like the darkness that is consuming your heart and soul. I will taunt you until you go insane and realize you have no hope. Until you cave in and let the darkness settle and consume you whole."

"Enough damage has been put through Ren, but, you? You have just seen the beginning. The corruption has just started. And, soon, you will die."

Watching Snoke strike, slamming the lightsaber down, towards you, an ear piercing yell left your throat. It echoed through the forest as you felt the tears that stung within your eyes slip. You were done for.

But, before you could feel the deadly impact, a hand pulled you back.

Waking up in a panic, tears blurring your vision, for a moment, you believed to have seen Ben Solo standing right before you... but then you blinked, tears clearing from your vision, and there before you was Kylo.

How had he gotten into your room? Or was he just a Force projection?

Staring at him as tears slipped your fluttering eyes, he eyed your face. The fear in your eyes, the trembling of your body, the way your bottom lip quivered. It's upsetting and unsettling. He had left you on a good note, he could only imagine what it was the startled you so badly.

"H- How..." Slowly sitting up as your body shook, you gulped. "Are you really... here?" You questioned and Kylo nodded.

"I sensed your distress." He said, eyeing you. "Your Force... it was budding against mine. Crashing. I could feel your fear and hear the sound of your screams..."

"I'm sorry..." You lowered your head, but Kylo lifted your chin for your eyes to meet his. It was then that you realized he had no gloves on. Just his bare finger coming into contact with the bottom of your chin. Skin to skin. Something you had never felt from him except when your lips met his cheek not too long before.

"You're fine." He assured, lifting his hand enough to rest against your jaw, wiping your tears as they slipped. "Come, join me." Lowering his hand from your face, you took in a shaky breath as you looked down, taking his hand in yours as you stood from your bed, Kylo handing you your robe before the two of you left your quarters.

In all honesty, you didn't want to be in there. Not after what you had seen earlier... and not after that nightmare.

Entering his living quarters, you not realizing it had been the middle of the night, Kylo guided you to his bed—where you removed your robe and lied it to a side—before you joined him.

You didn't seem to question why you were so casually joining him in bed, and you didn't want to. You felt secure this way. Safe, in Kylo's bed as you lied just beside him. Far better than sleeping alone.

In a bed as large as his, you still found yourself close to him, feeling his warmth. Kylo could feel you trembling beside him, you staring at the ceiling, tears ceasing but you were now shivering. Turning to face you, Kylo reached his hand out and rested it on the cheek opposite to the one closest to him. Leaning in, he kissed your temple as you slowly shut your eyes to the feeling, your breathing relaxing as he then pulled you closer.

Turning just enough to face him, you nearly buried yourself into his chest as you closed your eyes, wanting to feel him against you, to remind yourself that you were okay. That you were safe.

And safe was what you felt. In his arms as he held you close to him. As if nothing, not even your darkest fears, could take you from his safe hold.



First of all, Tendril's hit 7k reads! Yay! Thank you guys for reading :)

On another note, Snoke is a jackass but let's talk about how sweet Kylo is even though he probably isn't realizing it?

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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