x. the path

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Forgive me, I feel it again... the call from the light.

Supreme Leader senses it.

Show me again, the power of the darkness... and I will let nothing stand in our way.

Show me, grandfather... and I will finish what you started.

Taking in a deep breath as your eyes opened, the sight before you was the sun rising. You had barely slept that night, days had passed since you found out about Ben Solo...

There was a change in your heart... In your mind and soul. You felt it...

And the Force was becoming stronger within you.

Sitting with your legs crossed, on top of a rock that you made float, you sucked in a small breath. All you could hear was your breathing, nothing but your breathing. The sight before you being the early morning sky... but then you felt a presence, as if someone were beside you.

Seeing a black figure, hunched to the right of you, back facing you, you swallowed. Taking in deep breaths, you slowly looked over, only to see no one was there.

Blinking, you felt a presence, you turning your head to speak over your shoulder. "Luke?" You called out, but there was no response.

"Close enough..." A voice spoke, an unfamiliar one.

Turning around, you blinked. Another Force ghost? "Are you one of Luke's ghost friends?" You asked, a small smile on their lips as they let out a chuckle.

"Force ghost, yes... Friend, no." He said as you blinked. "I'm family."

"Are you... Ben Solo?" You questioned, sitting on your knees, but the man shook his head.

"No... I'm his grandfather." He corrected as your lips parted.

"Grandfather... You're Luke's father?" Seeing him nod, your eyes trailed down, the Jedi robes that resembled Luke's... The lightsaber at his hip. "A Jedi..."

"Was... A lot happened before my time of passing." He said, walking over to you. "May I?" He gestured to the lightly floating rock, you nodding as you lowered it. Watching him take a seat beside you, you took in small breaths, hearing the wind howl and the water splashing bellow. "My son has put a lot of faith in you... I can see it... Like he did once before."

"So I've been told..."

"History repeats itself... quite often in this family and around those who get involved." The man said. "My name is Anakin. Anakin Skywalker." He introduced as you nodded. "And you have no idea as to who the Skywalker's are..."

"Hardly." You laughed. "I didn't know who Luke was... he had to tell me. Same goes for you... I'm sure you're important, too..."

Letting out a small laugh, he looked down. "So it seems... I still am, apparently."

"I want to understand it all... I want to know why I was chosen. Why it's me who is in all of this... There must be other Force users... right?"

"Yes, but you... You have something not many have. And it's not just the power or your abilities... it's what you have in here." Anakin poked at his chest where his heart would be. "It's big... and it's in the right place."

"How do I know that? All my life I've only ever thought about myself. Me and only me. My survival... My well being. I had no one else to worry about..."

"Now, things have changed..." He said, although a hint of questioning.

Blinking and looking down, taking in deep breaths, thinking about your dreams... the voices... you nodded. "Yes..."

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