bonus v: great escape

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Standing amongst the disaster that was now the Supremacy, feeling its violent shakes and seeing the constant sparks spew from the erupting and burning fires, Kylo looked out the window that was sat beside the escape pod he ejected you in. Seeing you in the distance, he then heard beeping come from BB-9E. "We're going to get out of here." He said, turning away and rushing off, using his lightsaber to break apart fallen debris.

The constant shakes and tremors of the vessel caused him to stumble, the falling walls and panels making him duck as his eyes landed on a distant escape pod. "There!" Kylo pointed, rushing over and nearly tripping from the shifting floor panels.

Forcing the escape pod open, Kylo helped BB-9E in it before he got in, quickly ejecting it before seeing the Supremacy grow smaller and smaller, exploding into pieces that now scattered the starry sky. The sight before him being one of the last things he saw before feeling a sudden impact and being sent into oblivion.

Waking up in a hurried breath, Kylo kicked the door open of the escape pod before falling out, onto his knees as BB-9E fell with him. Trying to catch his breath as his muscles ached, he rubbed his face before lifting his head. Eyeing his surroundings, seeing distant lava and the dried molten beneath him, Kylo took in a deep breath before forcing himself to his feet, nearly falling. It felt like it was seconds ago that he left the Supremacy, but by the feeling of his jelly like limbs and throbbing head, it must've been far longer than that.

"Where the hell are we..." Kylo said as BB-9E stood beside him, eyeing its surroundings, scanning it before beeping. "Sullust? Of course..." He groaned. "A barren planet filled with lava streams..." Taking in a deep breath, he nudged his head. "Come on, lets see if we can find a ship or something."

Walking on, seeing a distant factory, Kylo rubbed his back and rolled his shoulders. Looking up at the sky, his mind then shifted to the thought of you. Wherever you were. He had hoped you were somewhere safe, okay and breathing. He knew you were alive, you must've been, he would've felt your loss within the Force... Or maybe even saw your Force ghost.

But, he tried keeping a clear mind, being optimistic in hopes that he'd find a way out of that planet and make his way over to you... wherever it was that you were. He would find you, somehow.

Making it to the factory, having to use his lightsaber to get into places, he saw abandoned starfighters, a few that looked completely destroyed, others breaking apart... and, to his luck, one that seemed decent. "Let's hope this one works." Walking over to it, going up the rigged steps and helping BB-9E, he found a way to open it before letting the droid in, first.

Eyeing the panel and making sure the fighter was working enough to get him somewhere, Kylo looked up and realized there was no way to release the ship while it being stuck inside. "Dammit." He hissed. "We need to find a way to get this outside." Hearing the droid beep, Kylo looked over. "No I am not going to burn a whole in a wall! Do you not see how big this thing is!" Shaking his head, Kylo got out of the ship before searching the area around him. "Come on, droid."

Looking around the area, in hopes there was an opening somewhere, BB-9E looked up and nudged Kylo's shin. "What?" Following where it was looking, Kylo's eyes narrowed for a moment. "Let's just hope that opens." Feeling the droid nudge him again and beep, Kylo looked back down and to the right of him to see a sort of control room.

Rushing over to it, eyeing the panel and the buttons, Kylo pressed away, unsure of what did what, hearing odd noises and metal screeching as he flinched. "Shit." Banging the panel and hearing the sound stop, he sighed. Hitting more buttons and hearing a rumble sound, Kylo looked up to see the roof slowly open, only to get stuck. "You have got to be shitting me..."

Beeping at Kylo, looking at him, then his lightsaber, BB-9E tilted its head as Kylo looked down at the droid, then his lightsaber. "What is destroying the panel going to do, it's the-" Hearing the droid snap, Kylo glared. "Fine!"

Igniting his lightsaber and slashing the panel, seeing the sparks fly everywhere as BB-9E stood there and watched in awe rather than cowering away, the roof opened up more as Kylo panted. "Alright, we're getting somewhere..." He said, looking up with a faint smirk on his lips. For once, destroying a panel actually helped him out. "Let's go, we need to find Y/N."

Chirping back, BB-9E quickly followed Kylo behind as the two made their way back to the starfighter, Kylo helping it in as he maned the small ship. Lifting it up as it roughly trembled, Kylo bit down and hoped it wouldn't breakdown on him. "Come on... come on..." Kylo muttered to himself, the ship finally steadying out and zooming straight for the sky. "AHA!" Jumping into warp-speed, Kylo was off.

He knew it was going to be a mission to find you, but he was going to do what ever it took to get to you. No matter how hard it would get.



This one is split in two so the next bonus will follow it :)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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