xiii. fulfill your destiny

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Hearing the sound of fire burning instantly disappear as everything suddenly went silent, your heart skipped a beat at Ben's words.

Looking up, your eyes landed on a pair of figures—one standing and one laying down.

"Luke feared it was too late... that he hadn't tried hard enough. That the only way to stop me was to kill me..." Seeing Luke ignited his lightsaber, Ben continued on. "But, he couldn't do it. He couldn't sever the bond that was blood and family. It wasn't in him."

Watching as you slowly stood up, your eyes shifted towards the sleeping figure... then the lightsaber on the table. Yours... Ben's...

"He couldn't do it. He never did it for his father, so why should he to his own nephew? He had hope that somehow... somehow I'd be restored..." Watching the figure shift, Ben sighed, "But then I woke up."

Watching the lightsaber fly into his grip as Luke's clashed against it. "Ben, no!"

Flinching as you watched Ben stick out his arm and pull back, the wall came. crumbling down on to Luke. "You... tried to kill him..."

"No... Not Ben Solo." Furrowing your brows, you looked up at him. "The entity that consumed... The darkness that blinded him and took over."

Turning your head and seeing the then Ben no longer there, you heard distant yells of pain and terror, sending shivers down your spine. "He was influenced. Lied to. Manipulated... Abused. He believed it all, he fell for it. If he did what he said, he would be free of the imbalance... of the splitting in his soul. He was told that Luke was to blame for all of it... For all of his sleepless nights and aching bones."

"Little did he know... that it would only get worse."

Watching the fire erupt as you took a step back, hand still in Ben's, you gasped. "I-I don't understand... I..."

"The dark side of the Force is just as powerful as the light side. If you abuse it, manipulate it to your advantage... it has its flaws. It's disadvantages. It's side effects." Ben explained.

"Why... How are you showing me all of this?" You asked, eyes still on the fire.

"You need to know the truth. You need to see it for yourself. You need to understand."

Swallowing, your head turned to the rubble that shifted, a robotic hand sticking out before the debris was cleared from the area. "The lightsaber, your lightsaber... my lightsaber. It connects us. Ben Solo's essence is still a part of it. It's seen it all... It's been through it all. And now, you know."

Seeing Luke emerge from the rubble, you blinked away the faint tears you had. "You will carry me with you through your journey. I will be there with you along the way."

"My journey?"

"Yes. I think you know what you're meant to do..."

"But... where are you... where is he?" You asked, the world around you suddenly crumbling away and sending you elsewhere.

Turning you around with him, Ben pointed his finger. "There." Looking up and seeing a tall, dark figure cladded in black, looking out into the stars, you felt a sensation move about in your chest... in the Force.

You could feel them, as if you were right there with them, in the same atmosphere...

And they could feel you.

Lowering his head from the stars, feeling an unusual sensation in the Force as everything went silent, Kylo slowly turned, looked over his shoulder... and saw nothing.

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