xliv. bb-9e

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A few weeks had passed since either of you [you and Kylo] had returned to the Supremacy. Although you tried enjoying the calm before the storm, Kylo had to begin plotting the big transition for the Order.

It was complicated and he had spent hours on end cooped up trying to figure out a well devised plan that'd help make the process become smooth. Although he knew very well it was going to be quite the rocky ride. But, with you by his side and supporting his every step, helping him out and giving him encouragement, he had the extra push he needed.

Giving Kylo some breathing room, knowing very well he was becoming frustrated and too enthralled in his work to even pay you any mind—or pay attention to your well devised suggestions to take a break—you wandered the halls of the Supremacy.

You really didn't have a title, you actually never did, but you were technically the Supreme Leaders "number two." You were always around him, and if you weren't, you were doing something for him. Officers had assumed Kylo had found you and decided to give you the position. As if you were an officer from some other First Order vessel. Which, you were fine with, you blended in and didn't want to gain too much attention.

That is, of course, until somehow word would slip that you were Kylo's lover. But the two of you were very cautious about the fact. That was very personal to either of you.

Aimlessly walking down a hall, unsure as to where it was you were even going, you stopped in your tracks as you saw a black, round droid at the end of the hall going in your direction. Gasping as your eyes widened, you smiled. You had never seen a droid like it, not in the time you've been on the Supremacy. It was the cutest thing over. "Oh, stars! You're so cute!" You exclaimed, looking down at it as it slowed down.

Staring up at you with apprehension, it started beeping like crazy, as if insulted. Claiming it was "not cute" and that it was "nowhere near cute." But, you begged to differ. Even if the droid was a bit on the aggressive side... It still was a sight to see.

"I'm Y/N." You introduced, not going by your First Order name seeing as it was a droid and no one really knew who you were. Plus, who would the droid tell that you were under a false identity? The man with the highest title in the First Order already knew the truth, anyway.

Staring up at you, cautiously and skeptically, the droid hesitated for a moment before beeping in response. To your surprise, after a long pause, it had introduced itself to you. "BB-9E? Hmm... That's a long name. What if I called you Beebee?" Hearing it instantly go off, you laughed. "It's that or baby. You choose." Almost as if it sighed, the droid went with the former.

Smiling as you crouched down before the droid, you couldn't help but think about Kylo. The droid resembled him in many ways and it almost made you laugh. Just as snappy and defensive, just as dark and... just as cute. In different aspects, of course.

To your amazement, after some time, the droid slowly opened up. It had a soft spot for you, you could tell that. The way it chirped and beeped at you in response, happily rather than bitterly like before, you couldn't help but grin the entire time. You were making a friend out of a droid. Something you never thought you'd do.

"Why don't you join me?" You asked as you stood back up but it shook its head, reverting back to its original attitude. "Come on, join me." You nudged your head. "You're a droid, I'm sure you're not all that busy." Hearing it beep defensively, you chuckled. "Please?" Lowering it's head in defeat, you smiled. "Thank you."

Leading the way as the droid rolled beside you, although slowly at first, it caught up and took your side. You couldn't help but enjoy the fact that you got a little angry and brooding droid to be nice to you and accompany you. Much like your story with Kylo.

"Kylo!" You exclaimed, seeing the man appear just as you thought of him. Approaching him with a big grin, you presented BB-9E. "Look! I found this cute little guy. BB-9E but I call 'em Beebee."

"Bee... bee?" Kylo questioned as he stood before you, shifting his eyes down to the droid as the droid took a defensive roll over to you, causing Kylo to smirk. "Seems as if the droid is protective."

"Oh, Beebee is just like you!" You chuckled. "Very snappy and hostile, but when you get to them, you see their soft side and that they're actually sweet." Smiling with a nod, Kylo glared at the droid.

"You are comparing me... to a droid?" Kylo asked, almost as if he were offended.

Hearing the droid go off, you bit your tongue, trying not to laugh. "See, just as snappy. Beebee is so much like you!"

"It's not!" Kylo exclaimed, snapping his head over to look at you as you smirked.

"It is." You winked. "You two would get along so well, maybe Beebee could be your personal droid?"

Instantly rolling back and shaking its head, beeping away, you sighed. "Oh, come on, as much as I'd love for you to be my personal droid, I don't really need one." Hearing it instantly beep back, begging, you laughed as Kylo snarled.

Shaking his head and rolling his eyes, Kylo sighed. "I would like for us to talk in private. That's the reason why I was out here. Looking for you." Kylo said over to you as you then turned your attention from the round droid, up to your boyfriend.

"Okay." You nodded, Kylo turning and walking off as you nudged your head for the droid to follow.

Realizing you were going back to his chambers, Kylo went over to the small bookshelf as you sat on the couch, BB-9E sitting just beside your legs, eyeing the room. "I know you've seen this... but I never really explained it to you." Kylo said under his breath, taking a seat beside you and opening the familiar book on either yours and his lap.

"The letters..." You breathed, eyeing them as Kylo swallowed.

"I'm sure you've realized they were for my mother." He said. "I never had the... courage to send them. I don't know why, I was just so apprehensive. I wanted to, to communicate with her, to let her know I was okay and that I was doing well. But it just became so hard for me to send... And I regretted it." Kylo confessed, eyeing the letters as you moved your hand onto his back and rubbed it.

"It's okay... What matters know is that you've reconnected with her. And she knows that you still hold her close." You said, kissing his shoulder.

Nodding his head, he eyed the letters with a small smile. "You may not know this... but, Ben Solo was very much into calligraphy."

Lifting your eyebrows, you laughed. "Oh, really?"

"Mhm... He enjoyed it. Kept him calm." Kylo admitted as you smiled, resting your chin on his shoulder, eyeing the letters.

"That's good." You nodded. "I made dolls for orphaned kids." You said, thinking back to your times while you were on your own. "It was a little hobby of mine, making them out of any material I could find. Wire, metal, yarn... Anything. And they always loved them."

Looking over at you, Kylo wore a small smile. "It kept me relaxed. It was fun and soothing. It also made me happy knowing I was bringing forth happiness from those children."

Wrapping his arm around your waist after shutting the book and placing it to a side, Kylo brought you on to his lap and kissed your temple. "You have a big heart on you." He said, moving his free hand to get a hold of your chin, looking you in the eyes. "One I'll forever protect."



Here's to BB-9E! I had to include the droid, upset we didn't see more of it in TLJ. I would've loved for it to have been Kylo's personal droid... Hopefully in 9 it'll be!

Also, here's to more soft and protective Kylo because he's the sweetest!

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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