xxxii. i promise

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The stars...

The galaxy...

The universe...

Taking in steady breaths as you say on the ground, trying to calm your racing heart and panicking mind, you stood amongst your walls now. They were crumbling, shorter than before and the hole was bigger. You had to fix it. Bring them back up. Cover the hole... but, no matter how hard you tried... the more they caved.

Searching through the Force and allowing it to guide him, Kylo's quick pace slowed down as he found you sitting before a view point. At least you were okay and not off getting yourself into danger. Rather, you were meditating.

Feeling a presence... Kylo's presence, you slowly opened your eyes and looked over with a faint frown. "I'm sorry-"

Lifting his hand and shaking his head, he walked over, beside you and took a seat. Letting the silence consume either of you as Kylo gazed out at the stars, you followed his lead and did the same. You wondered if he did this often... especially the first time Ben had ever shown you Kylo... he was doing just that.

Watching as the stars twinkled, some brighter than others, you took in a small breath, wondering why it was that Kylo was trying so hard for you. Being someone you were sure he normally wasn't.

Was it because he, too, was lonely? Or because he saw himself in you and wanted to save someone... like you did?

"Please, join me for dinner again." Kylo said rather than asked, cutting the silence that spread between the two of you.

Taking in a small breath, you looked over at him, seeing he kept his focus ahead... expression soft yet fixed. He truly was gazing. "Okay..." You nodded, studying his side profile before you forced your eyes away from him. Ripping your stare from his face.

After a few more minutes, or so, Kylo had stood up and lent you his hand before guiding you away. Still, in silence.

He brought you to the same spot he had brought you to eat in before. The lone dinner for two. Intimate and private. Something you considered to be... sweet. You liked being one on one with him. You were becoming more and more attached to this man by the passing seconds that you felt absolutely terrible that you had almost killed him.

Something that left a bad taste in your mouth, but not the dinner nor the wine you now had in your system. That kept you satisfied.

"Stay with me." Kylo spoke, standing before you as you were about ready to leave for you chambers. "Stay..."

Feeling your heart leap, you slowly nodded with a gently grin. "But, I should get a few things from my place..." You pointed as Kylo nodded, gesturing for you to do so as he patiently waited.

Aiming for your private quarters with a hint of a hurry, and a slight of excitement, you nearly tripped when you entered your place as you gathered your things. You couldn't believe he wanted you stay with him. To live with him. You couldn't say no, not when sleeping in his hold and on his bed made you feel so... tranquil.

After a good ten minutes, you eventually came back with your Ahch-To attire in hand and nothing else. "What is this?" Kylo asked as you sat it down. "Is this all?"

"It's the only thing I truly own. Everything else was uniform..." You nodded, before looking for a place to keep it safe, picking up the set again—that had Ben's lightsaber stuffed within it—in a drawer closest to the side of the bed you had slept on. "I actually miss wearing it... It was so comfortable and breathable. Nothing like what Snoke made me wear... That was unpleasant. Too tight and way too short."

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