xl. thank you

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The faint sounds of Porgs chirping and shrieking filled the moving breeze that swiftly flowed against yours, Kylo's, and Rey's hairs. The distant roar of the ocean water crashing against the island walls echoing and the faint sounds of the Care Taker's speaking, was heard.

To your surprise, after that terror that had occurred hours ago, there was no hostility felt within the three of you. Kylo stood close to you, enough to feel your arm against his—a reminder to him, to let him know that you were there. Alive. Breathing... Real.

Taking in a deep breath as you kept your eyes on Rey as hers moved between you and Kylo, then to the pair of suns that had risen, she slowly nodded. "What is it?" She asked, looking back over at Kylo. Someone she still believed could change, and with what she felt around him—and the words she heard him say to you—she knew there still was hope.

"I need... I want us to go to the new Resistance base." Kylo spoke, reaching a hand to rest on your shoulder, the one furthest from him.

Blinking, Rey's eyebrows lightly narrowed. Hesitant for a moment, she let out a small sigh. "Do I have your word that you will not try anything? That you would not exploit the new base to anyone?" Rey asked, arms now crossing as Kylo nodded.

"Yes." He answered, you looking up at him for a moment with a faint smile. He was going to do something he should've done a long time ago. You could feel it. "I just... There's something I have to do."

Searching his eyes with a small squint of her own, sensing no malice behind his words, Rey nodded. "Okay."

Sucking in a breath, Kylo let out a faint "Thank you" as Rey turned and walked away, the two of you following.

Walking down the manmade steps and following behind Rey, you looked over your shoulder to see the X-Wing you lifted in the far distance. With a faint smile and a stinging sensation in your eyes, you looked back ahead—Kylo noticing this.

Tuning his head to see where you had been looking, he hadn't noticed it till then. Swallowing, easily recognizing... Sensing whose it belonged to, he turned his attention back down to you. Your eyes were low and your eyebrows were slightly knitted.

Removing his hand from your shoulder, he took yours in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze, you quickly looking up at him and seeing the look in his eyes. As if he were saying it was all going to be alright.

"You did that, didn't you?" Kylo asked, but in a sense, stated. By the beat up look of it, at least what he could see from afar, it must've been underwater. For quite some time.

"Yeah..." You lowly answered, Rey looking over for a moment to see the two of you, only to look back ahead, wondering what Luke would've thought if he had seen this. "It was... A long night. Nightmares had consumed me and I needed to do something. So, I lifted an X-Wing out of the water." You breathed as Kylo smiled.


"That's what your uncle said." You chuckled. "And Yoda."

Instantly furrowing his eyebrows, Kylo's head tilted. "Yoda?"

"Force ghosts haunt this island." You jokingly teased, although a tear had slipped your eye, you instantly wiped it away and smiled. "I'm sure Luke will soon join in on the fun."

Nodding his head slowly, Kylo spoke, "You've gotta tell me more about that one day..."

"Definitely." You smiled up at him before the two of you looked ahead, Kylo coming to a stop at the prized vessel. The "piece of junk" as nearly everyone called it... as he did not too long ago.

"What is it?" You asked as Kylo's hand had tugged you back, unintentionally.

"I..." Taking in a deep breath, Kylo swallowed. "That's my father's ship."

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