xii. and there was light

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Hearing the faint sound of rain fill your ears, the distant lightning that sparked, causing a harsh thunder to roar making it all the harder... and darker for you.

Night had fallen and it had been hours since Luke had spoken to you. Instead of your nightly dinner with him, you got your own before retreating to your hut... as always.

Your mind was hazy and louder, you needed to clear it. To rid all the noise. It was becoming too much... how hadn't you lost your mind?

A balance.

Sucking in your breath at the voice, one that sounded much like the one who had saved you earlier... you sat on your cot, legs crossed as you relaxed your muscles just enough to feel at ease.




Afternoon sun...



A temple.





A lone figure.

Opening your eyes and finding yourself lying on a grassy plane, you lifted yourself up, using your hand as a visor to block out the sun. Where were you?

It was warm and breezy, not too hot and not too chilly. Just the perfect temperature.

But where was it?

It wasn't Ahch-To, or any planets you had ever been to... No, it was different. It was calming, soothing... relaxing. No hostility, not a single ounce of it.

Standing up and reaching for your cloak, you pulled it over before you eyed your surroundings. Nothing was off... nothing was sensed.

But there was life... and there was light. All around you.

"Where am I?" You whispered, hearing nothing but the wind howl.

"The question should be, where is this place?" A voice faded in, sounding as if it were being echoed. "Is it reality... or is it an alternate plane?"

Searching, turning around and looking for where the voice came from, you could hear your breathing as easily as the breeze. Almost as if you were pressed against your chest. "This isn't real." You shook your head.

"Are you sure about that?" The voice vibrated.

"Positive..." Yet, you weren't... you were questioning it all.

"Why is it that you've come here?"

"I didn't... I found myself here." You spoke into the thin air.

"Are you sure about that?"



"I've never seen this place before... I don't know where this place is. Why would I be here?"

"For answers."


"For the endless questions you have."

"How could this answer my questions?" You asked. "I'm talking to nothing... are you the voice of the Force?"

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