ii. the jedi way

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There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force

"The Jedi way." Luke breathed, standing before you.

Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force

"What does it all mean?" You asked, sitting before Luke, in front of a tree. A tree that you felt so much... yet, nothing at all from.

"It is a code. A mantra... One once used by the Jedi long before me." Luke began. "But I... do not go by the rules. Not entirely. It's what helped lead the Jedi to its verge of extinction." He said.  "I am Jedi that was born from the mistakes the ones before me have made."

"And you will be the one who will learn from the mistakes of the Jedi after me." Eyeing him, you sucked in a breath. You weren't sure what had easily captivated you and beckoned you to join the mana man only known by legends and stories, in which you hardly known—but something within you begged you to follow. The curiosity that always overcame you.

Your weakness, yet, your strength.

"A Jedi..." You softly spoke, looking down at your hands, then up to the man. "What if I'm not made for this? All my life... I've used the Force in ways to keep me safe and alive... not in ways to save the galaxy."

"Who said you will be saving the galaxy?" Luke lifted a brow as your own furrowed. You had thought that... well, at least a hint of you believed, that he took you under his wing for a reason. Why else would he? "Well... at least not yet."

"Then why else bring me with you?" You questioned.

"Because, I could feel your Force from lightyears away. I could sense it, feel it against my own. You are strong, but you don't know how truly strong you are." Luke explained. "I watched you fight the stormtroopers, I walked you right into that mess. And you unlocked and discovered things about yourself that you never would have before."

Blinking, your lips fell open. "You... set me up?"

"Not entirely... well, yes. I jammed your blaster and guided you into a trap... Not entirely a trap, but, a post. Where troopers were." Looking up at him, unamused, Luke sighed.

"How is it that they hadn't seen you?" You questioned.

"Astral projection." He simply answered as you blinked. "Something I'm sure you'll learn to use in no time. Your powers are growing at an unbeatable rate... far quicker than anyone I have ever known... and that is why I need to show you the ways of the Force." Luke explained as you slowly nodded.

You were a bit... terrified (yet amused) by the fact that you were gaining new abilities that you had never dealt with before. And the thought of gaining and unraveling more excited you. "The light side of the Force?"

"Everything." Luke said. "The light and the dark are very much black and white, but the Force is not. The light is honesty and compassion. Mercy, self-sacrifice... the Force." He stated. "On the other hand... the dark is raw emotions. Anger, hate, fear. Jealousy, aggression. Untamed power and passion."

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