xxxiv. i'll protect you

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With you.

Your words had vibrated against the walls within his mind. It was so foreign, to have someone rely on him. For someone to find him as their safe haven when he was nothing but.

In his time with the Order he's been anything but safe. He was a walking catastrophe, destroying anything in his path. Choking, hurting, killing... Nothing was safe about Kylo Ren.

But you begged to differ.

He was anything but dangerous towards you. And a part of you was starting to believe that Ben Solo was returning. That that was the reason why he was no longer in your head. Even if it was a slow process... You know he was in there somewhere.

And maybe, just maybe, you'd be the only one to see it.

Returning to the Supremacy in a comfortable silence, Kylo kept you closer to him than he had before. Actually, he stood closer to you, he walked closer to you. Almost like a shadow. Although he wasn't physically touching you, his Force was.

After you had kissed, amazed that you mustered enough courage to do something as tricky as that—which, to your amazement, turned out better than expected. Kylo took you to have dinner somewhere secluded where it felt as if it was only the two of you.

But now, back on the Supremacy, the reality of the war and darkness came smacking back and you took in a small breath. You wished the two of you could stay on Naboo forever... Forget about the Supremacy or the title of Supreme Leader. Forget about the First Order and the war. Just... to live freely, for once.

"I never thanked you for all of this." You said, placing the clothes Kylo had given you into the nightstand drawer. A few pajama sets and the same outfit you had been in now, in multiple versions. As well as your original Ahch-To outfit lying underneath... close to the lightsaber.

As for the lightsaber Snoke had given you—Darth Maul's—Kylo had taken it from when you ran off and hid. He felt as if the more you wielded that one, the worse it'd get for you.

"No need to thank me." He spoke, removing his cape as you gathered your nightwear to change. "First Order uniform doesn't suit you."

Looking over at him, you couldn't help bu laugh, giving him a small "Thanks" before going into his wash room to change into the two piece set. It was black silk, long sleeve buttoned up top and shorts. You wondered if he had chosen it or someone gave him the first set they found.

Folding up the attire you had previously been wearing, you walked out of the washroom, only to see the backside of Kylo as he had just finished pulling his sleeping pants on. Blushing, you looked away and placed your clothes to a side. You definitely weren't used to the sight of a shirtless man... Especially a man as toned as him where almost every muscle was outlined.

Turning and seeing you pull your side of the sheets away, Kylo walked over to his side and had done the same, the two of you lying there, staring up at the ceiling in silence. You could hear your heart racing within your ears as Kylo could feel his own blood pumping.

He could feel the heat on his face, the way his fingers twitched and the sensation of your lips on his returning. The desire to bring you to him, to feel your lips once more, burned at his skin.

And you felt the same.

But, you were afraid. What if he didn't want to be more than what you assumed to be friends? What if he only kissed back out of instinct? Or the lack of touch he received for so long? What if he was just being nice, even though that very much wasn't like him?

Sucking in a breath, trying not to overthink the situation as you knew your head was playing games with you, you decided to make a move.

And, as you did, so did he.

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