bonus iii: force ghosts

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Hearing loud chanting in the distance, followed by music and the sight of a bright fire caught your attention. You walked closely beside Luke as the two of you were now approaching the Care Taker's village. "What... What is this all about?" You questioned, seeing all the Care Taker's grouped up, celebrating... something.

"The Care Taker's hold little... parties amongst themselves. A sort of tradition amongst them. Today... they are celebrating the Force Ghosts that roam amongst us. Past Jedi." Luke informed as you slowly nodded, now seeing that Yoda, Obi Wan, and Anakin were there. Amongst a few faces you couldn't recognize.

"Who... are they?" You pointed over, Luke following the direction you were looking in. "I've never seen them before."

"Ah, those are past Jedi Masters... That one over there, is Qui-Got Jinn. Obi Wan's master. The one beside him is Mace Windu... There's Plo Koon... Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura... Shaak Ti and Kit Fisto..." Luke continued on as your eyes widened, not realizing there was a number of Jedi Masters... Rather than just one.

"There must have been a bunch of Jedi during the time of the Old Republic..." You nearly whispered as he nodded.

"Yes, plenty of men and women were a part of the Jedi Order. Plenty." He chuckled as you nodded, eyeing your surroundings. "Many were Padawan learners. Jedi Knights... Jedi Masters."

Eyeing Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda, you spoke up. "Is Anakin a Master? Well, was?" You asked but Luke only shook his head.

"No, but he was a Jedi Knight. He did have his own Padawan." Luke said as you nodded.

"Ahsoka..." You remembered. "Where is she now?" You questioned, turning to face Luke.

"I'm unsure... No one really knows. She's still alive, out there somewhere, I'm sure..." Luke breathed as you turned back to face the celebration.

"I would've loved to have met her. She seems interesting." You smiled.

"Y/N, come over here!" Anakin called out to you, you looking over at Luke who nodded.

"Excuse me." You bowed your head to Luke before walking away, over to where the Force ghosts were. "Hello, Anakin. Yoda, Obi Wan." You greeted. "So... these are all Jedi Masters?" You said rather than questioned.

"Yes, of the Jedi Order. We worked closely with them back on Coruscant." Obi Wan said as your eyes widened.

"Coruscant?" You questioned, thinking about how almost a decade ago you had gone there, being the *first* planet you visited with Astrobleme, being your own ship rather than a stolen one.

"Yes, Coruscant held a Jedi Temple. One of the biggest and greatest." Obi Wan nodded. "Home of the Jedi Order, of course, before it turned into an Imperial Palace." He said. "It was the headquarters for the Jedi. It was a monastery, a training center, and it held the government for the Masters. The Jedi High Council." Blinking, your eyebrows lifted. You couldn't help but think about the building when you had seen it.

"You've been there... haven't you?" Anakin asked with a skeptical look as you slowly nodded.

"Yes, a while back when I was fifteen. I had visited Coruscant and saw this... large structure and something about it had caught my attention." You stated. "I went to it, I wanted to go inside, but someone stopped me... Apparently it wasn't the greatest area to be in..." You sighed as Anakin looked over at Luke for a moment, then back to you.

Overlistening the conversation, Luke's eyebrows knitted. "When was this?" Anakin asked.

"A good ten years ago, well, more or less..." You said. "There was this group of people... Looked mysterious but it wasn't my problem. Apparently, it was someone else's." Furrowing his eyebrows even more, Luke walked towards you. "I don't know who they were... but they said they were a Jedi Knight."

"Jedi Knight?" Luke questioned as you then looked over at him, giving him a nod.

"Yes... I could hardly see their face... but, now that I think of it, I felt something from them. Must've been that they were Force sensitive." You said, taking in a deep breath before exhaling. "Maybe... it was one of your students?" You asked Luke but he stayed silent.

Seeing the look on Luke's face, the way his eyebrows scrunched up and how his jaw tightened, Anakin walked over to you. "Why don't I introduce you to some of the Masters? I think it'd be nice for you to meet them." Anakin said as you slowly looked over at him, sensing something was off about Luke.

"Oh, okay." You nodded, looking over at Anakin and giving him a small smile before walking off.

"A student of yours, it was." Yoda spoke up, looking at Luke as Anakin had left with you.

"Yes..." Luke sighed. "A student that snuck out more often than not... Now I know where he went." Swallowing and looking down, Luke took in a small breath. "Ben Solo..."



Why do you guys think Ben snuck out?

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