Thank You.

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The sad time has come where Tendril has reached its end, although I had finished writing it a while back, it's still a different feeling compared to when the story is actually completed with its postings.

I wanna thank you all for reading and enjoying the story as much as I did writing it! It will forever have a spot in my heart, it was so fun to write, and different from all my other fics. I'm so happy to have the outcome it had, I never expected it to end the way I had it end, I originally was going to stop it write when Leia and Ben/Kylo reunited... But I figured it didn't hurt to give our love Ben Solo/Kylo Ren a good ending!

A very special shoutout to @mysticoriginals for being the one person who followed the story throughout and was always sweet enough to leave comments/votes on every single chapter; and a very big thank you to all of you who have read Tendril!

A little side note for those of you who enjoyed/enjoy my writing, I have a new fic called Noise coming out really soon that'll follow our love Kylo Ren in a sort of modern/dystopian life and ties a lot with certain plots of TFA & TLJ, so check that out!

Much love, Nic ❤️

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