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Staring at the empty robe, blinking away tears, Rey's lips began to tremble as her grip shook on the material. Yet another person she held close to her, gone. She had only known Luke for a short period of time but she felt such a strong connection towards him—much like how she did with Han.

Turning his attention away from the robe, Kylo looked over at you, his shaky hand and knees bringing him to you as he crawled. Your still body lying on the ground as the gaping whole within you haunted him. "I've failed you..." Kylo lowly spoke in a shaky tone, reaching out to you and bringing you onto his lap. "I promised to protect you... But I couldn't. I couldn't save you on time. I couldn't... I couldn't prevent you from following the same path I went on." His voice cracked, vision blurred.

He knew you were gone, and he knew he was the reason behind it, but he saw no other way around. He saw no other way of saving you, only acting on what he believed to be the only way to save you. And he regretted it.

Kylo believed he could've done more, that he could've prevented it in some way... but he knew, deep down, you were gone. Snoke had you attached to his strings and took control. Like a puppet. Something he once was.

Bringing you closer to him as his grip began to shake, holding tight enough to feel you against him, he pressed his lips against the top of your head. Trying to catch his breath as he tried holding in the tears, tears that—no matter how hard he tried—slipped. Slowly until they began to stream. "Please, come back... I'm sorry. I was afraid! I thought Snoke had you and that there was no way to save you... That the only way to free you was to- to-" Unable to finish the sentence, he began to vibrate violently. The reality of him coming back to life rather than you.

It should have been you. You should have been the one to come back instead of him. You had so much more to live for. It wasn't your fault, the life you were living, you deserved so much better... And now it was all gone. Your chance to find your way, the right path... It was taken away from you because of him... Because of Snoke.

Lifting her eyes from the robe, Rey listened in on Kylo's words, she watched the way he shook in his spot. On his knees and holding you tightly. His begging words and the way he cried out against your hair. She never thought she'd ever see this side from him.

But then, she froze in her spot after the last three words that slipped his tongue. The three words she was sure he couldn't possibly express. Not for anyone. Not from a monster like him. But when they left his mouth, they were so pure... So truthful. Straight from his heart... And that darkness that once consumed was hardly sensed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I-" Sucking in a shaky breath, he lifted you closer, his hand deep in your hair as your cheek pressed against his. Eyes clenched shut as his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you in place. "Please, come back to me!" He shouted, aggravated in the fact that he couldn't hear you breath or that your heart wasn't pounding against him. Aggravated in the fact that he failed you when you had put your trust in him.

Standing up from her spot as she held tightly onto Luke's robe, she walked over to Kylo. "Kylo... You should take her into one of the huts." She lightly spoke, Kylo rocking with you in his grip. "It's getting dark out."

Swallowing, he slowly nodded before lifting you in his arms, tears still slipping as he followed Rey.

Leading him to one of the huts, one he hadn't known was the one you stayed in, he quietly walked in as Rey let him be. She had to reach out to the Resistance, to tell them... To let Leia know.

Rushing over to the Falcon, entering the ramp and over to the canopy, she tried getting a sort of signal. A connection for anyone to hear her. "Yes... Yes, it's Rey." She spoke as they had answered her. "The Millennium Falcon... Ahch-To... Please tell General Organa that he's almost home." Nodding her head, she swallowed. "Yes, thank you." At that, she leaned away and sucked in a deep breath.

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