xxix. you have me now

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The light. It was glowing within Kylo. You could almost see that faint flicker begging to turn into a flame.

You were unsure of what had triggered it, you knew he struggled beforehand, but never did you expect it to be this bright... Or, at least the light was begging to be more.

Feeling the vibrations of the shuttle beneath your feet snap you out of your seconds long gaze, you snapped back to reality and made your way down the ramp, just shortly after Kylo—who had taken the lead.

"That was a waste of time." Kylo spoke, loud enough for the General—in which Hux was mere feet away from you—could hear. "We've got nothing out of that. No ones head. Not even Skywalkers." Kylo snarled.

"Yes, but, Supreme Leader... sir, we did drop the numbers of Resistance members." Hux informed. "It has dwindled. The number they now have is mediocre. They are insanely vulnerable."

"They are nowhere in sight." Kylo hissed over his shoulder as Hux swallowed.

"I am well aware of that, but with there-"

"General, I want you to return to your post on the Finalizer. You are relieved from the Supremacy." Kylo interrupted, you standing silently the entire time as Hux's gasp filled your ears. "Now." He demanded as Hux swallowed yet again.

"A-as you wish... Supreme Leader." Looking over your shoulder and watching Hux rush off, you let out a small sigh.

Turning your attention back to Kylo as you let out a breath through your nose, you looked up at him as he slightly turned to face you. "What..."

"I just... You seem as if you've been doing this for ages now." You pointed out as Kylo looked you in the eye. The proximity between the two of you being very small. And Hux couldn't help but notice this as he looked over. The way you two stood so closely... Eye to eye.

He couldn't help but snarl. It was enough that Snoke was gone. He didn't need Kylo Ren—his arch nemesis—to have the girl. The one who was supposed to kill him. The one who would eventually take his place and ease the stress for Hux.

The one he would try so very hard to impress and gain their interest just because he had been lacking in that area for a very long time.

Possibly why he felt jealous at that moment. Seeing you look up at Kylo and say something he couldn't quite put together.

But, whatever that had been going on between you and Ren, he'd brush over his shoulder. It wouldn't be anything serious. It isn't like you knew Kylo Ren well enough... right?

"Come with me." Kylo said, you doing so without questioning. Now that Snoke was gone and there was a hint of a small—minuscule—break from the war, you so easily followed Kylo. Joined him. You wanted to become closer. To gain his trust even more... To find out what or who was triggering the spark within himself.

Following him down the halls, trying to match his stride, you sighed. You knew he was a big man and that his legs were a lot longer than your own, but he could've relaxed on the walking just for you. Every one step he took, was nearly four for you. Or so you exaggerated, you didn't really count, but he was one to take very big steps.

"Where are we going?" You asked, growing impatient and desperate to know. Especially when he was walking in silence.

Yet, he didn't give you an answer. He stayed quiet, the sound of his boots hitting the floor being the only sound you heard. You wondered what it was that he had to show you or where it was that he was taking you.

But, the second you entered a deserted hall that had doors that were far distant from one another, you had a feeling this was something more private than expected. Possibly why your face was heating up. Was he really-

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