li. the alley

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Nearly nine months had passed since you had found yourself on Naboo, surprised with the news that you'd be a mother. And those months were hard on you. The first few weeks were hard, especially when you had constantly cried yourself to sleep and woke up crying. Leia had to come in and hold you in her arms, reminding you that you'd get the through it.

Although it was tough on you, the months feeling longer than they actually were, Leia kept you busy. If it wasn't doing things around the palace, it was visiting towns or cities, even going on little rendezvous around major points of the planet. Sometimes, you'd even visit the Resistance base.

At least once a month you visited the lake country, overlooking the waterfalls and using that as time to "speak" to Kylo. As if, where ever he was amongst the stars, could hear you. You'd tell him what you did and what new things you had seen, and always ending it with a I wish you were here.

Today, Leia had thought it'd be nice to have a small picnic by the lake. She had put together a cute little set up for the two of you to enjoy the scenery and the morning sun. "So, have you thought of any names?" Leia asked as you sat there, eyeing the mountains.

"No... Although I have been given so many lovely ones. It's hard to choose. The people here are so kind and giving." You said with a small smile. "I just don't know what I want..."

"That's okay, some people pick names the same day." Leia chuckled. "I know I did. And, funny thing is, I chose a name of someone who was dear to me. So, it didn't take long." Leia shrugged with a wave of her hand as you laughed.

"Hmm, maybe that'll happen to me." You nodded, only to hear the grass rustle as if someone had been walking on it.

"Oh, Rey!" Leia called out, just about to stand up but Rey waved a hand.

"All is well, you can stay sitting." She smiled, greeting the two of you. "Oh, look at you! It's been a while..." Rey gawked at your belly. "I'm so busy training all these Padawans that I keep missing your visits..." She lightly pouted as you chuckled.

"It's okay, it's good to see you." You smiled, reaching over to hug her.

"How many months? You must be ready to pop..." Rey said, eyes lingering on your belly before shifting them up to meet yours.

"Just about nine months! So, yes... I'm ready to pop." You nodded with a grin.

"Nine months? Wow... I don't know how you do it..."

"Neither do I, especially with twins-"

"Twins?!" Rey shrieked as you nodded. "Oh, stars! Your poor back!"

"Yeah, but, it's okay. I get good massages and the bed is very comfy." You laughed as Leia smiled. "But, enough about my pregnancy... How's everything?"

"Oh, well... A lot is happening. Training, finding more and more Force users. Finn is helping me out." Rey nodded. "Scouting and giving them the boost they need. Guiding them."

"Luke would be proud." Leia smiled as you agreed.

"Yeah... And Rose is helping out Poe. The Resistance is growing in numbers, so that's great! A lot of the First Order survivors converted... The galaxy is pretty calm. But, hey, it's always good to be prepared." Rey shrugged as you nodded.

"Wonderful, I'm proud of you all." Leia smiled as she rested a hand on Rey's shoulder.

"Thank you." Rey grinned. "Luke visits from time to time, fascinates the kids. As well as Anakin. Which is nice, I get to teach them about Force ghosts."

Listening in on Rey's words, your mind only moved elsewhere. Force ghosts... If Kylo was dead, shouldn't you have seen him at least once as a Force ghost? Lingering by your side? You were positive that he had the capability of doing so. Especially if his grandfather and uncle could.

Zoning out of the conversation, you stood up. "Oh, Y/N, is everything alright?" Leia asked but you simply nodded with a dismissive wave of your hand.

"Yes, I just realized I wanted to go to the palace plaza today to look around and see what goods I can get." You kindly smiled. "If you'll excuse me."

"Oh, we can join you?" Rey asked but you shook your head.

"It's okay, you two catch up, I'll be back." You nodded before walking away, the two watching you with slight slumps in their shoulders.

Walking around the avenue, seeing all sorts of vendors, fruit stands almost everywhere you looked, you decided to stop at a few to buy some fresh fruits for yourself. Amongst a few other things.

From time to time you did this, and you enjoyed it. It was nice seeing the life around you, all the people and creatures who coexisted in harmony. It was a beautiful sight and you were glad to have finally found a planet that suited you best. That almost felt like home.


You had come to realize that your home was anywhere with Kylo, being beside him, in his arms or feeling his presence. That's where you had belonged.

But, now that he was gone, you settled for Naboo. Naboo was welcoming and you felt stable living in it. You were just happy to have found the planet that made you feel like you belonged.

Calmly walking around, taking your time as you held a basket that was nearly filled with items, you turned away from one of the vendors and was ready to move on to the next one. But then you stopped in your tracks, and suddenly everything around you fell quiet. As if the living creatures around you were nothing but blurs.

Feeling your heart sink at the sight before you, your grip began to shake as the basket slipped from your hold. From afar, a man who looked very much like Kylo stood there. Staring right at you. Blinking a few times as your stomach turned, the figure had turned and walked off.

Reaching for your basket and trying to squeeze through the crowd, following after the person who was walking off, you saw them take a sudden turn.

Slipping through and escaping the horde of people, you turned the corner and found yourself in an alley with a dead end. Feeling your eyes burn with tears as your lips trembled, you couldn't help but sob as your face pressed into your palms, muffling your cries. You were alone, and Kylo wasn't truly there.




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