xxviii. i am everywhere

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I can help you.

Kylo's words hummed within your thoughts, as if hearing them for the first time. Over and over again. Fresh in your memory. The moment he offered you help, you were still. You were hesitant. But, you wanted to take his hand. Metaphorically.

He was right in every way. In the sense that he was possibly the only one who knew how you felt. Snoke never could have shared that pain and struggle with you. No, he definitely wouldn't. Especially when his main goal in his crooked lifetime—aside from being the biggest menace the galaxy had seen—was to turn you into a monster. Convert you into a demon that... you feared he was slowly succeeding in.

Then, there was Luke. You hardly knew the man. Only what he had told you, and that wasn't enough. How could he know what you were going through? From day one you could tell he was training you for you to do his deed. For you to take his place within the Resistance when, in reality, you knew that he knew the only one the Resistance needed was Luke Skywalker. Not some woman who had a (what seemed to be) identity crisis, going by a false name and not having to hear her real name in... Well, you couldn't seem to remember. You were lucky to even remember your real name. Something you had yet to inform Kylo about.

But, it wasn't like he was going by his given name, either... So you were in the safe zone. Somewhat.

On the other hand, out of the three—Luke, Snoke, and Kylo—you seemed to know Kylo more than anyone else. And he was the last person you had met. The person you had only met physically within hours.

And, somehow, you found yourself trusting him... more than yourself.

Now finding yourself standing before Kylo, in the room he now claimed to be his throne, Hux rushed in. The slightest of disheveled, lacking his breath. "Supreme Leader, the Resistance have made it to Crait. I have sent Fighters and Walkers down there." He informed, you having turned to look at the General. "I suggest we take part and take revenge on our fallen Base."

Eyeing Hux, who had a faint smirk on his lips at the thought of getting vengeance for his beloved Starkiller Base, you turned and eyed Kylo. With the slight bow of his head, signaling just what you were going to tag along in, the two of you now found yourselves alongside Hux, boarding the Command Shuttle and aiming for the salt planet that was Crait. A new planet for you to add on your ever-growing list of 'visits'.

Standing in the shuttle, in the midst of officers, General Hux... and the new Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, you swallowed as you looked out the windows before you. They were trying everything to get the metallic door down. Firing, threatening, attacking those soldiers who thought it was best to defend their grounds. You watched it all in your spot above the battlefield. This had been your first true battle that you'd ever experience. Even though you technically weren't taking any part.

Amongst the battle, an unfamiliar—yet very familiar ship to Kylo—had appeared and deterred the Fighters, something the new Supreme Leader wasn't so fond of. Yelling at the top of his longs for someone to "blow that piece of junk out of the sky!" which only made you question as to why he seemed to hate it so much. But, that question could wait for later because, moments after, once the ground was cleared from the battlefield and Kylo demanded the Walkers and the shuttle to come to a halt, your heart skipped a beat.

You couldn't believe your own two eyes at what you had been seeing bellow. You recognized that face... but not the attire nor the hair... Something wasn't right and you couldn't feel them. How had Luke Skywalker gotten there? How had he known? He must've had a connection with someone within the Resistance to feel the distress.

Squinting your eyes and looking closer, you only blinked. Something was out of place. Something didn't add up at the sight before you. You couldn't sense his Force. It was nonexistent... But, that didn't seem to matter to Kylo.

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