xlv. tie silencer

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More days had passed you by, and the more days that had passed, the more stressed Kylo had become. His aggravation and hardheaded-self made him work up until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes, you'd wake up to him at his small desk or you'd even wake up him missing from the bed after going to sleep with you.

He was impatient at getting things done, he wanted the turn to happen, to already have the First Order and Resistance merge. To end the war. To be at ease for once... Or, at least try to be.

But, he couldn't. It was far more difficult than he thought it'd be. Especially with officers like Hux who were fully devoted to the dark side.

Now that you were a sort of aide to Kylo, he kept you busy with small tasks around the Supremacy so you wouldn't bore yourself; and—to your luck—BB-9E became your companion. The droid nearly followed you everywhere and was constantly by your side.

"How is it that you've gotten that droid to be kind to you?" One of the curious officers had asked you, a few stormtroopers standing by, waiting for a response.

"It's just luck." With a shrug and a small smile, you left the small group wondering. That droid was one of the toughest and stingy ones and hardly anyone ever got it to be the least bit of kind. But you did... Somehow.

And you couldn't help but think about Kylo. How you were one of the very few to get on his good side. To get such a coarse man to be so gentle and sweet to you.

After a long and productive day, you returned back to your shared quarters with a sigh, more than happy to be back. But then you saw Kylo, hunched in his seat, tugging at his hair. Looking over at BB-9E as it looked back up at you, you then walked over to Kylo and gently removed his hands from his hair as you hugged him from the side. Leaving soft kisses on his temple, cheek, and neck, you held him close.

"Why don't we take a break, okay?" You lowly spoke as he slowly moved his arms around your waist, turning in his spot and sitting you on him.

"I need to get this done..." He mumbled into your chest as he buried his face into it.

"I know, my stars, but you're going to fry your brain. You need a breather." Brushing your fingers through his hair, you leaned back and held his chin so he could look at you. "I've got an idea."

Seeing that mischievous grin on your lips, Kylo's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"Would you like to go on a joy ride?" You asked as Kylo stared at you, only to shake his head, lowering his eyes.

"If I stop now, then I'll never finish-"

"You did want me to fly your TIE Silencer." You arched an eyebrow as Kylo lifted his gaze. "It'll be fun." You smiled, Kylo sighing and slowly nodding.

Kissing his nose, you then stood up and grabbed Kylo's hand, pulling him with you. "Come on, Beebee." You nudged your head but Kylo pulled you back.

"We are not taking the droid with us. There is-"

"Too late!" Exiting the room as BB-9E followed, you let go of Kylo's hand and eagerly walked over to the hangar, excited. In all honesty, you really enjoyed piloting, especially ever since a run in you had a while back that helped you get your prized vessel—Astrobleme.

Seeing the starfighter come into view as the three of you boarded, you sat on top of Kylo as BB-9E was to a side. After buckling the two of you in, Kylo showed you the basics before you flew out of the hangar.

At first, you were steadily flying in the open space, casually moving around so you weren't in a straight line. But then an idea come to mind and you couldn't help but smirk. Pushing the toggles forward and then turning them, the starfighter flipped. "Y/N!" Kylo shouted as BB-9E instantly beeped frantically, but ignoring their calls, you continued flipping and spinning the TIE Silencer while laughing.

Kylo's heart was racing faster than ever and the droid was holding onto anything so it wouldn't fly around. "AHAHA!" You laughed, truly enjoying the experience while your passengers were dying.

Doing tricks galore, you finally brought the ship back to the hangar. A disheveled BB-9E nearly crashed into anything and everything around it as the droid got out of the TIE. Then, after removing yourself from Kylo, you walked out perfectly fine with a wide grin on your lips.

Crouching and checking on the droid and seeing it was okay, just dizzy, you patted its head before standing back up. Looking over and seeing Kylo glued to his seat, you rolled your eyes and reached for his hands. "Come on, big guy, don't be so dramatic. I'm sure you do tricks, too."

"Y- Yes... But not like that." He stuttered, eyes wide as he nearly stumbled out.

"Oh, relax. You're fine." Patting his back and helping him keep his balance, the two of you walked out of the hangar.

Bringing Kylo back to his quarters, as BB-9E followed, the droids attention got caught. It felt a presence nearby watching, an unfamiliar one. Scanning the area and catching glimpse of something, it rolled away, neither you nor Kylo realized this.



This is more of a cute little filler than anything, plus, I was dying for the reader to take the TIE silencer for a joy ride ;)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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