xxxi. mint

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The scent of mint had filled your nose, the calming feel it left behind that eased your muscles and never ending thoughts sent you into a world of paradise. Or, at least, a better world than the one you lived in.

It was calm and refreshing. Soft breezes, trees that rustled with their leaves brushing against one another. The distant sound of an oceans wave brushing up onto the shore lines. The bright sun had lot of the vast world around. It was beautiful and unlike anything you had ever seen before.

The more you breathed in, the more of the menthol you could smell. It eased you and your mind. And had you at bay. As if you were floating in that very beach before you.

Letting yourself fall back on the pillowy sand, you shut your eyes as you let the world around you consume you. The smell of mint not leaving your senses once. Something smelt like it, but you couldn't tell what.

Then, you opened your eyes. You were lying on your side and someone was lying beside you. Except, in the opposite direction. Their head was beside yours.

His head.

Kylo's head. You knew it to be him, that side profile was distance. His sharp curves and features... that dark hair.

His hair... It was by your nose, the source of the mint that filled the air, all coming back to his dark locks. You could so easily smell it from where you were beside him.

Lifting your hand and brushing your fingers through his smooth hair as he lied there, almost as if he were sleeping, you smiled. Bringing his hair to his nose, you stifled a laugh. Minty fresh. You wondered what shampoo he used. Whatever it was, you wanted to try it.

Scooting closer to him, enough where your nose brushed against his cheek, you sucked in a small breath and leaned closer, kissing his temple. "Thank you..." You breathed, continuously combing your fingers through his hair. Somehow that added to your tranquility of the unknown land you were in.

Sucking in a deep breath, Kylo opened his eyes as the warmth against him felt far different from the emptiness he was used to waking up to everyday.

It was you. You lying curled up against him, like a child. Or, a teddy bear. You had your arms folded against him, as if he was your personal heater. In which he was.

Kylo couldn't help but lay in that moment for as long as he could. The sight before him made his heart ache. The longing he had, the desire... the want. He no longer felt alone. That void was becoming filled and you were that plug.

You were so gentle before him, seeming so innocent. Almost like how you were before he became the Supreme Leader. Nothing but a young woman who had no idea what she was getting herself into. And you still were that way... But now you had Kylo and he had you.

Eyeing every aspect of your resting face, the gentle complexion, the soft expression... He was mesmerized. You were at ease, unlike how he had found you that night. Not a single tear, not a single furrow in your brows, and not a single disturbance in the Force. Just you, relaxed and resting beside him.

Leaning back enough, seeing your hair fall to your face, he gently brushed it away, pushing it behind your ear. Then, he went to caress your face. Aiming for your cheek. But, the second his fingertips brushed against the smooth skin, his breath hitched. His heart skipped a beat and his chest caved.

It was darkness. Pure, dark energy that he could feel run through your. Flow through your Force as it found its way around you. It was unsettling and it was... terrifying.

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