xx. a veil of darkness

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The sound of a lightsaber's buzz filled your ears. The unfamiliar hum muting out any other noises as you stood there, a burning sensation in your abdomen as the only thing in your line of vision were bright red sparks, burning from a lightsaber. A lightsaber that was pierced right through you.

Forcing yourself awake, panting, panicking, you wiped the sweat from your forehead. Taking in deep breaths, you realized the air was still and there was no sound, which only meant...

"Nightmare?" Hearing the voice, his voice, you sat up and swallowed.

Kylo's back was facing you, but he had just put his shirt on, you barely seeing his back dimples as your cheeks flourished with heat. "Somewhat..." Looking at him, studying him, Kylo slowly turned and faced you.

"I sensed your distress through our... connection. Brought me to you. One second, I was pulling my pants on, the next, you're right there. Crying." He said, clipping his belt on and adjusting it before looking at you.

"H- How are... Do you see my bed?" You asked but Kylo shook his head.

"You're on my bed." He stated. "At least, to me you are. Made me wonder as to how you got there, seeing as I clearly didn't sleep with anyone last night."

Shaking your head, eyebrows narrowing, you sighed. "I'm on my bed... You just can't see it..." Rubbing your eyes and removing your sheets from you, Kylo turned his attention and focused on you.

"Nightmares are common amongst the officers." He stated. "Stormtroopers suffer the most, but officers get them as well. It's usually due to the stress they have on them. The higher the title, the more frequent they become. Possibly why the General looks like pure shit."

Lifting your eyebrows, you let out a small laugh, Kylo looking at you in slight contemplation. He didn't intend to sound funny, he was being truthful, be he found it nice that you found amusement in his words. Maybe you agreed. Maybe you thought the General needed some not so well deserved 'beauty' rest. "Well, I'm sure nearly everyone here needs some sleep."

Slowly nodding his head, Kylo crossed his arms. "Like you."

"Excuse me?" He nearly snapped, arms instantly unfolding.

Standing up, you shook your head. "I'm not attacking you, Commander. I'm just... You need sleep, too. I can see it in your eyes. You're not doing so great."

"I'm doing just fine." Lie. "I don't need you to pity me."

"I'm not..." You breathed, trying to reason with him, not wanting to be on his bad side. "Look... Just, forget I said anything." Shaking your head, you looked down for a moment.

Eyeing you, Kylo bit down and looked away. You weren't being rude or throwing harsh attacks his way... You were being sincere and you were concerned, he just was always on edge and ready to fight anyone. Literally. "Most new officers tend to have nightmares more than not." He changed the subject as you looked up. "You get used to it or you grow out of it. Maybe you'll find a way to escape it."

Eyeing him, surprised that he had a change of heart, you nodded. "Yeah... Hopefully." Pushing your fingers back over your head and through your hair, you sighed. "May I ask how did you become a commander?" Looking over at you, he took in a small breath. "Did you go up the titles or..."

"No, it was given. I've had it for years now." Kylo admitted as you nodded. "It's been my title for some time now, there are other commanders, different sanctions, different areas of the Order. For pilots, for the stormtroopers... I'm not the only one. But I'm the most known." He explains.

"And, why's that?" You questioned, although very well knowing the answer, you acted oblivious. 

Scoffing, he lightly smirked, "Aside the obvious? That I'm a Force user and the-" Stopping himself, he swallowed, a long pause following. "I have... Anger issues, if you must."

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