vii. it was his

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That is your crystal, it called to you, it's yours to keep. It's a part of you... It's a piece of you.

From here, you build your lightsaber.

A weapon that'll be yours and only yours forever.

To keep by your side.

To keep you safe.

To keep others safe.

You will use it for good, in ways a Jedi is supposed to.

Remember that.

"A young boy... by the name of Ben Solo." Luke breathed, keeping his eyes locked on the lightsaber, remembering how it was first built. "It was his."

"Ben Solo..." You softly repeated.

"He built it from scratch, found the crystal that called to him and kept this at his side. He was magnificent with it. Much like you are." Luke lightly smiled.

"It's lovely." You said, eyeing it as it sat on your lap.

"It's yours."

"Mine?" You looked up. "But what if-"

"He won't be coming back for it." Luke shook his head as you blinked.

"Why? Isn't this the weapon of a Jedi... a Force user? Shouldn't he have it?" You questioned with a tilt of your head.

"He abandoned it." He truthfully spoke. There was no need to lie or beat around the bush.

"Abandoned... How could someone abandon their own lightsaber?" You asked.

"It wasn't meant for him." He sighed.


"But, it is meant for you. It suits you. It works well in your grip. Anyone can wield a lightsaber, but not everyone can use it gracefully like you have." Luke said as you slowly nodded. "It's yours now to keep. It's previous life... It's nothing but a memory to it. A faint image. You now give it life. You wield it. Guide it. Keep it close and never far."

"Can I name it?"

Instantly looking up at you with a glare, your shoulders dropped. "No, you do not name your lightsaber. It is not a pet."

"Well, I'm still naming it." You shrugged as Luke shook his head, rubbing his face.

"I have one of the most powerful Force users before me... and she is a child."

"You were a child, once."

"What was that?" Your eyebrows narrowed.

"Yes... but not like this."

Blinking, you looked around. "Was that... Yoda?" You questioned, Luke's head snapping up. "It doesn't sound like him..."

"How do you know about Master Yoda?" Luke questioned.

Taking in a deep breath, you rubbed the back of your neck. "He came to me... a few nights ago. The first night. When I lifted the X-Wing." You explained. "What-what is he? Why is he blue? How did he disappear? Does he have flash step?"

"No." Luke breathed. "He's a Force ghost."

"Force ghost..." You repeated, eyebrows lifting.

"A Force user has the ability to interact with the living once they pass away. It is the soul and essence of said person. They become one with the Force. Fully. They could linger amongst, not as physical being, but as a spirit. A Force spirit. They are able to interact but to a certain extent. There are plenty of Force ghosts that lurk about this island... Don't be surprise if you run into any more."

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