xxxvii. darkness versus light

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Taking in heavy breaths as he finally felt the air fill his lungs, Kylo's head snapped over to the door as he heard it shut. "Y/N?" His scratchy voice called out. "Y/N?!"

Panicking, nearly falling off of the bed, Kylo quickly pulled his clothes on, grabbing his lightsaber and rushing out of the living quarters. His heart was racing within his chest and he was beginning to fear that he had lost you for good.

"No..." He spoke in hush tone, not feeling your presence anywhere, not seeing you at either end of the hallway. "No!"

Trying to reach out into the Force, looking for you... Searching... He found nothing. You blocked him off. "Y/N!" He cried out, rushing his pace, in hopes to find you.

Your mind felt like it had a dark storm cloud hovering it. Nothing but the darkness filling the void your white walls once protected you from. You were weak and you couldn't gain the power to overthrow Snoke. You couldn't, not when he had taken full control. Not when he had surpassed manipulation and was now physically guiding you.

You were blinded and it was now Snoke looking through your eyes, using your knowledge for his own good and doing what neither of his apprentices could do.

Landing your spacecraft on Ahch-To, you felt as if you had been shackled to the ground, forced to watch your own self do things you had no control over.

Sensing a presence that he hadn't felt in a long time, Luke lifted his head as he sucked in a breath. "What is it, Master Skywalker?" Rey asked but he only narrowed his eyebrows, lifting a hand.

Slowly walking away and towards the direction the life Force was felt, Luke's breath hitched. "Y/N?" He softly spoke, you—or, at least your vessel—had come into view. An ounce of happiness was felt to see you... but then he sensed something was off. Something was wrong. That fire within your eyes, that hostility in your Force... This wasn't you.

Watching you ignite the blue lightsaber—Ben's—Luke's eyes widened. "No!" He shouted, instantly reaching for his and igniting it, blocking your blows.

You were far more stronger than before. Far more aggressive. You lacked strategy, you just attacked and attacked with your all and stopped at nothing. Nothing Luke could do was stopping you. You were unstoppable. "It's time for the Light to end. The Jedi are no more, and neither should you be."

Hearing your words, Luke knew very well that wasn't you. You would never say or do such thing. He could sense something about you... Something within you that was very dark. Something monstrous. Something of pure evil. Snoke.

From afar, Rey heard the sound of lightsabers clashing and the faint voices. Rushing over, her eyes widened, only for her eyebrows to furrow. Just about ready to ignite the lightsaber she had taken as her own, ready to separate and stop you, you only reached your hand out and Force pushed her as she yelled, crashing harshly into a rock.

"You think... You can manipulate others into doing your work?!" You said.

"This isn't like you! You know this!" Luke said. "Don't let him do this to you! Remember what you were destined to do!"

"This is me! I have finally found my way in this galaxy!" You shot back, Luke trying his best to reason with you but nothing seemed to get into your head.

"No, this isn't! You were supposed to save Ben! Protect that light within Kylo! To bring him home!" Luke fought back, pressing his lightsaber against yours.

"There is no saving. Ben Solo is gone and soon will Kylo Ren be, too. It's only myself I have to save. From the light." You spoke with flames in your eyes. "Soon, the spark that lights up a portion of the galaxy will burn out and the darkness will take all. And I will reign... and rule the galaxy."

"No..." Luke shook his head. "This isn't you! You never wanted any of that! This is Snoke! He's manipulated you! He's turned you into his puppet! Snap out of it!" Luke shouted, knowing very well what he was sensing from within you.

In the depths of the vast galaxy, Kylo had tried everything in his power to reach out to you. To search. But he couldn't find anything... Nothing.

So he searched through the darkness. He looked for Snoke. And, somehow, he was able to find his way. Somewhere in an unknown region of the galaxy.

Finding himself on a blue planet with vast oceans, Kylo was quick to land his Silencer near a ship he knew to be yours. On a lone island.

Racing to find you, sensing three heavy presences in the Force... Two he recognized and one that made his heart race, Kylo quickened his pace. He could hear the distant shouting. The lightsabers humming. The sense of darkness versus light. He couldn't let you do this. He couldn't let the darkness win.

"Y/N!" Kylo shouted from afar, seeing you now in his line of vision. But, you didn't budge. No, you were too focused on Luke. On killing him. And Luke was trying everything to stop you without harming you. "Y/N!"

Waking up with a blurry vision, Rey sat up and grabbed her lightsaber, seeing Luke was losing his strength and stamina. "No-" She gasped, but before she could make her way back over, she was choking on her own breath.

Reaching your hand out and holding both in the air, Force choking them, Kylo's heart plummeted. It was too late. There was no light left within you. Nothing.

The darkness... Snoke had fully taken over.

Gritting his teeth and feeling the tears prick his eyes, Kylo ignited his lightsaber and broke into a sprint.

Hearing the crackling sound, you threw back Rey and Luke, turning yourself as you saw someone—Kylo—surging towards you.

Watching in horror as Luke tried catching his breath, his heart came to a stop and, suddenly, everything went silent.

The two of you stood there, looking into each others eyes—yours slowly filling with regret as Kylo's filled with sorrow. The slow tears dripping down his cheek before both lightsabers deactivated and fell from either of your grips.

"No..." Luke breathed out, the beams of light no longer penetrating either body, both life forms falling onto the ground. "NO!" He shouted, forcing himself up with a grunt. "It wasn't supposed to be this way!"




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