bonus x: five years later

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It was like any other day on Naboo; the sun was brightly shinning, the sounds of nature and the inhabitants of Theed filled the air as everyone moved on with their lives. It was like any other afternoon where Ben had found himself busy, working alongside his mother—something he did from time to time. Except, now, he was headed back to see you and his twins.

Talented and skilled twins. Twins who, without a shock, were Force users.

You and Ben had taken it upon yourselves to train them when their abilities had woken up at the mere age of two. Of course, they were very young so it took time to teach them a few basic things like a sense of control and what not do to.

But, now they were five and teaching them wasn't as hard as it once was. Ben, from time to time, would take them to Lake Country and would teach them there. Showing them how to wield the Force enough to lift and lower objects. Simple tasks for them.

And, to yours (and Ben's) relief, there wasn't a sense of darkness within either of them. They were overflowing with light and you couldn't help but believe that they had gotten that mainly from their grandmother and great uncle... Possibly, some from you.

Today was one of the days you had taken them to "train" for a bit. Showing them little things you knew how to do, like catch objects or to manipulate them. Like moving something away to benefit something else—in most of their cases, picking up their toys for the sake of a clean room and a happy you.

You had gotten an early start that morning and the twins were beyond eager to learn more, so (of course), you had gotten carried away and showed them what you could do—in which, they were completely stunned by. But, since you hardly used the Force, it exhausted you more than it normally had. You weren't all that old, you were just about to enter your thirties as Ben was midway through. It was the simple fact that you really didn't need to use the Force unless necessary. You lived a somewhat normal and stable life now.

Walking the halls and entering his shared chambers with you, Ben aimed for the bedroom—seeing as you weren't anywhere in sight—only to come to a stop. You and the boys were knocked out on the bed.

You, a little towards the center, had Luke resting against you as Liam had shifted in his sleep and was diagonal, resting his head against Luke's stomach, sprawled out. He was sure the kids had overworked you—and themselves.

Seeing your arm draped over Luke as Liam had his hand loosely holding onto your fingers, Ben walked over. Removing his shoes and carefully climbing onto the bed, he rested against your back as his arm lied over you and Luke, face in your hair after pressing a soft kiss to your neck. He could go for a nap, he had gotten up a little too early for that morning and a nap with his family seemed nice.

And, it was. Luckily for him, you and the boys had taken your nap not even half an hour before he returned to see you. The four of you napped for a good two hours before the twins got fidgety and you felt them... as well as the heat against your back. And the sound of faint snoring by your ear.

Opening your eyes and seeing the boys shift in their spots—Luke on his stomach as Liam had his legs over the bed, slowly in the process of waking up—you turned enough to face Ben. Wrapping you arm over his shoulder and bringing him to your chest, you ran your fingers through his hair as you kissed the top of his head. He, on the other hand, was still asleep.

Twirling the soft locks of hair around your finger, you heard faint whispering amongst the twins. Just about to turn, Ben's grip around you tightened as he held you closer, mumbling incoherent words as you let out a small laugh.

"Mommy..." Hearing Luke whisper, you turned your head enough to see him sitting on his knees beside you. "Can we go find gramma?" He asked as you nodded.

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