lii. out there somewhere

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"She couldn't be far." Leia said as she searched the crowds alongside Rey, hoping to find you. "She has to be somewhere here."

Scanning the area and the vendors in her sight, Rey took in a small breath. It had been hours since you left their sigh, and Leia knew it didn't take you that long to be out on the avenue. Usually, you were too tired to be there any longer than an hour, exhausted from the constant crowds and walking. Especially with your aching back.

Walking along the streets, Rey did a double take as she looked into an alley. "Leia!" Rey called out as Leia snapped her head over, seeing you sitting on a crate, crying to yourself.

"Oh, Y/N..." Leia frowned, walking over to you. Sitting beside you and pulling you into her arms, you recognized that embrace.

"I- I thought I saw him... I thought I saw him in the crowd... And I followed. I followed and then... He was gone." You stuttered. "I'm seeing things."

Crouching before you as she held your hand, Rey spoke up. "Was it his Force ghost?"

Shaking your head, you looked at her. "N- No... He wasn't glowing... He wasn't blue... And he wasn't transparent..."

Blinking, Rey swallowed as Leia frowned. "Come on, let's get back to the palace." Helping you stand up, Rey went for your basket as Leia kept an arm wrapped around you.

Walking back into the avenue, around the groups of people, Leia's eyes snapped over to a vendor, swallowing as she looked at the backside of someone. Almost looking much like her son...

Seeing them turn their face, her breath hitched at the sight of their side profile. Blinking and looking down, she then looked back over and saw no one. Dismissing it, she continued walking beside you, all the way to the palace and bringing you in.

"Let's get ready for dinner, okay? Rey's going to join us." Leia said over to you as Rey handed you your basket.

"Okay..." You nodded, going to put your goods away as Rey and Leia watched you.

Looking down at your belly, gently holding it, you sucked in a small breath before changing into something more simple.

Bringing you with them to the dining room, sharing dinner with Rey and having small talk here and there, Rey had thanked the two of you for the dinner and spending the day with her before leaving, mentioning how she had to get back to her Padawans.

Walking alongside Leia, back to your room, she rubbed your arm. "You get some rest, okay? I'm sure you're due very soon." She smiled as you let out a faint chuckle.

"Yeah, I need beauty rest." You sighed, leaning over and hugging her. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, angel." Leia wholeheartedly smiled at you as you slipped from her embrace, entering your room.

Walking over to your dresser and pulling out the smooth, silk nightgown, you undressed and changed into it before slipping your feet into slippers and aiming for the balcony of your room.

Opening the doors and walking out, seeing the moons shine brightly, you sucked in a breath. You decided to meditate—something you hadn't done in very long. Maybe then, you'd see Kylo.

Sitting on one of the balcony chairs, you took in a deep breath before focusing on the nature around you, the life Forms in the planet, palace, and... within your belly.

Opening your eyes and seeing the distant waterfalls, you couldn't help but smile. Lake Country. Your safe haven.

Sucking in a fresh breath of air as you shut your eyes, they opened again, only to sense someone besides you. Looking over, your heart fluttered. Kylo stood there... Dressed much like how he did as Ben. The white tunic and pants... bare feet. A faint smile on his lips.

Smiling as you eyed him, you felt his hand reach for yours, fingers intertwining, tightly. Bringing them to his lips, he kissed your knuckles as you blushed. At the sweet sight, your eyes watered up, knowing very well none of it was real... "I love you." You breathed before you pulled yourself out of the meditation, almost still feeling his hand in yours.

Standing up from your seat, entering your room and shutting the balcony doors with a swift wave of your hand, you went to grab a robe before exiting your personal quarters. For some reason, you had to go to Lake Country. No matter what time it was. Either way, you had the Force with you.

And, you still had Ben's lightsaber. Although kept locked away in a safe place, it still was a protector.

Standing amongst the grass, eyeing the starry sky and thinking about the freckles that scattered Kylo's skin, a faint smile grew on your lips. All those constellations that marked his skin and made him the galaxy in your eyes, you never thought that he'd actually become one with the universe.

Lowering your head and eyeing the waterfall, you walked towards it, as close as you could get, enough to feel the gentle winds and the light droplets of water on your skin. Shutting your eyes and listening to the waterfall, feeling yourself relax as your nerves calmed down from the earlier events, you sucked in a small breath... only to feel a presence.

Kylo's presence.

Quickly opening your eyes and looking around you, you frowned as you saw nothing. No one. Not a single soul... Or even a Force ghost.

"Kylo..." You whispered, in hopes that he was out there... Somewhere out there. Reaching into the Force with hope, you looked up at the stars once more. "You're out there, somewhere..."

Sucking in a breath, you looked down at your belly and placed your hands on it, feeling the pair of life forms within it. At least you had them, you had two stars growing within you that you knew would be small reminders of their father. Possible miniature versions of him.

That thought kept you stable. At least a piece of him still lingered, was still there, within you and was a part of you.

At least you had that.

At least you had them.

Your binary stars.



Do you believe Kylo's still alive? And so you think that was him in the avenue? Three chapters left before the bonus!

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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