xvi. behind the wall

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Sitting amongst the vast amount of controls, unsure of what any of them did—Hux strongly suggesting you touch none—you sat back in your spot.

It was dead silent where you were, at least, the only sound to be heard was the control panel beeping and the Supremacy humming.

Other than that, dead silent.

You wondered why Hux had chosen this spot for you to work in out of any other... especially one so... secluded.

You were the only one there. You expected to be amongst others, to blend in. Not sit alone, around controls you did not know how to work, let alone, even fathom to explain what they were even for.  Hux's orders were to simply keep an eye out and make sure nothing makes a harsh beeping sound.

A simple task, yes. Insanely boring, though.

So you sat... and you sat for what felt like hours. You couldn't understand the importance; why couldn't the Supreme Leader train you right away? Was he really all that busy?

Then you suddenly snapped out your deep thoughts and focused on the Force. A tugging sensation in your chest. The Force... it was calling out to something. Or something was calling out to you.

But, you believed it to be impossible. Your walls were high enough, no one could 'get inside' except for... well, the figurative Ben Solo.

Then you felt it again. What was it?

Shutting your eyes, wanting to channel the Force, the sound of the data pad instantly caught your attention as you looked down at it. An 'urgent' message from Hux.

The Supreme Leader urges you stay settled in your position. He is dealing with important matters and... someone is on board.

With a simple 'Will do' as a response, you sat the tablet down. You knew very well why that message was sent. Someone you weren't supposed to see was there.

But that didn't stop you from... meditating.

Entering the hangar of the Supremacy after leaving the command shuttle, Kylo made his way into the halls with long strides, his walk calculated and set. He had done this countless of times. He could do it blindfolded.

But this time, this time he wasn't going to be so... obedient.

He was no longer a puppet or some sort of lost pup who did whatever the owner pleased in order to feel useful or valuable. No. Now that his training was completed... there was no use for the leash.

Feeling the eyes on him, those of the officers who watched his stitched up cape flow behind him and the stern look that took over his expression. Furrowed eyebrows and pouted lips, they made sure to keep a nice gap between themselves and the commander.

Ever since the fall of Starkiller Base, Kylo had been too quiet for their liking. It was better when they could hear his outbursts, knowing when and where to avoid him... But now? Now he was quiet, like a deadly virus in the air. It was almost like he was the silent killer. And it terrified them

Walking deeper into the halls, not realizing how less and less he saw and felt life forms, Kylo's pace slowed down the corridor. Something was off... something was humming in his ears.

The Force... it was loud. It was staticky... It was hard to decipher what it had been trying to tell him.

Slowing his pace, Kylo's eyes scanned the area around him, nothing but long halls... no one in sight.

Then, he felt it. A tug in his chest. In his stomach. As if he had been having a rush of anxiety... But that wasn't the case.

Tightening and loosening up his fists, his shoulders tensed as he shut his eyes for a moment. Feeling the Force around him, the distant life forms and the galaxy surrounding him... he could feel himself being guided elsewhere. His mind following, passing by endless life forces until he came to a sudden stop.

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