xxvi. get your vengeance

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Exiting the lift and seeing Snoke present his hand as Kylo turned, the two of you made eye contact. Although from afar, you could see the confusion in his eyes... But, other than that, there was pain. Pain you weren't sure of what the source had been.

"Ah, yes, Arya Vega... Child of darkness. The one who will never fail me. I see it in her eyes... I see it in her soul. She will never bring disgrace or shame to the First Order name." Snoke grinned as you kept your eyes locked with Kylo's.

Walking away from his throne, Snoke eyed you and raised his hand again. "She, will be your end, my dear Kylo Ren." Snoke said, now standing beside Kylo as he looked down at him, Kylo forcing himself to his feet as he took in deep breaths. "I feel no need to waste my energy on murder. Torture is satisfying enough." Snoke admitted as your jaw tightened, igniting your lightsaber as Kylo's eyes didn't waver.

"You see, Vega, here... She thought her reason being here was to train enough to be ready to defeat Kylo Ren. To do Ben Solo justice..." He snickered, shaking his head as your stomach turned. "That, he would not die in vain. She will bring vengeance. Kill the one who killed him." Snoke continued.

"And that... is you, Kylo Ren. You are the one she wants to kill. And with such desperation brought such darkness within her. Something I had to harvest... Something that had to be manifested and be brought to the surface."

Keeping your eyes on Kylo as he kept his on yours, you felt tears wanting to prick your eyes. "I sensed such greatness within her. But, she was lost... Just like you were. She was lost without guidance, thinking she had found it. But she found it in the wrong place. I saw it in myself to guide her the right way. To bring her to where she belonged. Within the darkness."

"She is so powerful... So strong. Something greater than any man before me... Something better than you, Ren." Snoke snickered. "She... is the true heir to the darkness."

Turning his focus over to you, Snoke clenched his fist as his voice boomed, "You know what you must do, child. Do what you came here for, get your vengeance!" Reaching your hand out, Snoke suddenly flew into the air and hung there, your fingers curling as he choked.

Flinching in their spots, the Praetorian guards caught Kylo's attention as he then looked over at Snoke, then over to you where your eyes were now on Snoke—you were Force choking the man. Pulling your arm down, Snoke's body slammed to the ground as the Praetorian guards went straight for the kill, ready to run towards you until you pushed your hand through the air and sent them flying back.

Not wasting anytime, Kylo reached his hand out and caught his lightsaber as it flew into his hand, igniting and decapitating Snoke without second guessing his moves, doing what he should've done a long time ago.

Watching as the guards stood right back up, igniting their weapons and getting in a fighting stance, you and Kylo found yourselves now standing at the center, you igniting your lightsaber once again and fought beside Kylo.

Lifting your lightsaber as it collided with one of their weapons, you kicked the guard in the chest and spun the saber, knocking the weapon right out of their grip before slicing them. Deactivating one end of the lightsaber, you instantly turned and aimed it towards another guard, activating it and watching it pierce right through their head.

Taking in a deep breath, still recovering from earlier, you extended your arm out and pulled one of the guards towards you, you slamming your foot into their back, sending them flat on the ground as you stabbed the lightsaber right through them. Lifting your head and watching Kylo handle his end, fighting off one of the lasts, your attention snapped to the last guard aiming for him.

Sticking your hand out and reaching into the Force, you instantly froze them in their spot as Kylo spun around, swiping his lightsaber through the air and splitting them in half.

Standing there, taking in deep breaths as a sense of relief washed over you, your panting—as well as Kylo's—filled the air amongst the disaster now surrounding you from the destroyed throne room. It felt like a weight was lifted from your chest, but you knew that wasn't it. There was far more still to come, just waiting for you.

Deactivating your lightsaber as Kylo had done the same, the two of you made eye contact, but before he could say anything, you ran right off. It wasn't like you couldn't confront him, you knew eventually you had to... But someone had to deal with a soon to be angered General Hux.

Taking the lift down and keeping your disheveled state and panting self going, you ran right into the man you needed to see. "General Hux!" You called out, breathless as he turned around.

"Vega?" He lifted a brow, seeing how disgruntled you now seemed. "Did-"

"The Praetorian guards..." You breathed. "They turned against Snoke."

"What?!" He snarled, eyes narrowing.

"I-I was brought in to kill Kylo, to do as the Supreme Leader ordered... But the guards had something else in mind-"

"What. Do. You. Mean?!" Hux seethed, rage burning in his eyes.

"They killed him. They killed Snoke... And they had to be stopped." You lied. "Kylo and I... we had to kill them all."

Snarling, Hux clenched his fists as he bit down harshly. "The Supreme Leader... is dead?"

"Yes..." You nodded. "And there is... A new one."

"A new one?" Hux tilted his head the slightest, for a sheer moment, he felt his lips twitch into a smirk. It was his time to take charge. Although too soon and unexpected, he knew his time had come. "Well, I-"

"Kylo Ren." You said. Although, that wasn't the truth, you were sure that now—the one who killed the previous—took the throne. The only way to free himself from his demons.

"K-" Cutting himself off, a growl rumbled in Hux's throat. But, without a single word, Hux turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving you smirking.

Smirking until it dropped at the thought of Kylo. You knew he'd be beyond curious, confused, and... enraged. He must've been. You lied.

Sucking in a breath, you aimed for your living quarters. You needed to meditate, to reach out to Ben. To tell him...

Entering your chambers, you stood there and shut your eyes for a moment. So much had happened in so little time that you hadn't processed that... you weren't sure where to go now. Snoke was gone, but now Kylo was the Supreme Leader... and you feared that'd only make him dive deeper into the darkness within him.

Opening up your eyes once again, you let out a small breath, only to feel a sudden stillness in the Force. Furrowing your eyebrows, you slowly turned and felt your heart skip a beat.

Snoke, he was standing there right before you.

Shutting your eyes again, you reopened them and realized he was gone. Sighing, you moved to your bed and sat on it, meditating.  "Ben..." You breathed.

Standing amongst your walls, you suddenly felt chills. Something didn't feel right. Something was off. "Ben?" You called out, but, instead you felt a dark vibe.

Turning to see the hole in your wall, now bigger than before, your breath hitched.

"You believed you could rid me that easily?" Hearing the bone chilling voice, your heart skipped a beat. "That you could escape my grasp? I fear you are so... very wrong. The darkness within you keeps me alive. In your mind and in your soul..."

Turning slowly, eyes now burning with fear, you nearly flinched at the sight of Snoke... in your head, within your walls.

"Foolish one. You can't get rid of me. I am everywhere you are. Watching... Waiting. This is only the beginning."



Shit just went down and things are only going to become more intense from here on! How do you think Kylo feels about the situation with reader?

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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