xxiii. dark energy

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Black filled your line of vision, all around you, like visions before. The water beneath you, just an inch high, rippling around your feet. Sucking in a small breath, you felt a harsh energy around you. The darkness feeling as if you had nowhere to go.

Taking in heavy breaths, knowing very well there was no chance of you getting out, you began to panic.

Suddenly, around your feet, vines began to encase your ankles. Feeling the movement, you looked down, causing your breathing to quicken even more as your heart raced. But, the faster your heart was beating, the quicker the vines consumed you.

Feeling them wrap and tighten around your neck, they were just about ready to blind you, but a sudden knock pulled you right out of your darkening mind.

"Vega, the Supreme Leader requests your audience." The voice on the other side of your door—Hux, you presumed—said. "He would like for you to join him on a mission. Meet him at the hangar."

Taking in a deep breath as you say there, trying to catch your breath, you nodded. "Okay." Rubbing your face and feeling how shaky you were, you sighed.

Eventually, after showering and changing into your not so comforting dark side attire, you found yourself on the same vessel you had taken to D'Qar.

"You lack much knowledge about the world around you and its history." Snoke said as he sat before you, two Praetorian guards at his side. "I am going to take you to a very important place in dark side history. A lovely place called, Mustafar." He grinned, a small laugh rumbling in his chest.

Looking over his seat and seeing a glowing red planet, you took in a small breath as you swallowed. "Mustafar..." You mumbled.

"An outer rim planet that held one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time. As well as volcanoes and lava rivers and lava eels." Snoke waved a hand as the ship entered the planet's atmosphere. "But, none of that is important. What is important are the destinations I will be showing you. Maybe then you will learn about your destined route and the side of the Force you belong to."

Looking at him, you gave him a single nod before he stood. "Deep beneath its surface is energy so pure you could hardly resist. So strong and powerful. So... dark." He grinned as you took in a small breath. A sight that you were growing to loathe. "Let me show you around." Waving his hand as the shuttle landed, you turned and followed him down the ramp, the guards following after.

Walking along, feeling the heat suddenly warm you up to a point you had to remove your robe and leave it behind, your eyes scanned the planet around you, only for you to blink. Just before you, you saw two people... One who looked very much like Anakin and the other looking like... Obi Wan?

Squinting your eyes, you watched as the two fought, only for their images to disappear in plain sight.

Blinking, you took in a small breath and picked up your pace. Snoke hadn't noticed this, but you were hoping the guards hadn't either.

"Our first stop... The remnants of a Sith Temple." Snoke said, taking in a deep breath. "You could feel the darkness just float about. You can almost... taste it." He leaned towards you as your jaw tightened for a moment; too close for your comfort. "It has been in ruins for ages, but the Sith Lord Darth Sidious knew of it very well." Standing up straight, he continued to walk.

Eyeing the rubble around you, nothing but rocks and what almost looked like debris, you took in a small breath. The darkness was strong, it was wrapping around you and thrusting your mind into places you tried to avoid.

You were thinking about your death, the lightsaber that pierced right through you.

Then, you thought about the vines. You could almost feel them wrapping around you as if it were actually happening then and there.

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