liv. lazy afternoon

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Sitting on the edge of the bathtub with your feet inside the water as Kylo sat within it, eyes fluttering close as you helped wash him up, you smiled. You had wondered how it was that he escaped, but at the moment, you were more than happy to see that he was alive. Breathing before you.

You wanted nothing more than to hold him close and never let go, to make sure that this time you'd never lose him again. You needed him to stay, beside you, and to share your future together, in peace for once in both of your lifetimes.

Leaning forward and kissing the tip of his nose after rinsing out all the conditioner in his hair, pushing the wet strands away from his face, you gazed at him as he kept his eyes shut. Your love for him was eternal and nothing in the galaxy would ever change that. Not when he loved you the same.

Gently brushing the tips of your fingers against his cheek bones, you bit down on your bottom lip as you smiled, happy tears filling your eyes. Those nine months were worth the pain if this meant he'd be with you forever.

Opening his eyes and seeing you gaze at him, Kylo grabbed your hands and lowered them, sitting up and leaning towards you as he kissed your cheek before wrapping his arms around your waist. "I'm here and I'm real."

Smiling and nodding, you kissed the top of his head as you took in a shaky breath, the aroma of his freshly clean hair and body filling your nose as you shut your eyes. "Let's get to bed." You softly spoke, letting go of him as his arms slid from you.

Standing up and grabbing a towel for him to dry in, you exited the washroom and pulled back the sheets from your made bed. "I don't have any clothes..." Kylo said as you chuckled.

"That's okay, you've slept naked a ton of times before." You shrugged, eyes shifting over to BB-9E, already powered down and in a corner, causing a gentle smile to grow on your lips.

Feeling Kylo's arms wrap around your waist as he left soft kisses against your neck and exposed shoulder, your breath staggered for a moment. "You don't know... how much I longed to do this... all those months." He confessed as you then turned in your spot, reaching for his face and pulling him into a kiss.

"Me too..." You muttered against his lips, moving yours against his own passionately, but not as hungrily. You wanted to take it all in, to remember the feel of it, to let it last.

Leaving a small peck against his bottom lip, you grabbed his hand and guided him to the bed as he dropped his towel, the two of you cuddling up under the sheets as Kylo was pressed against your back, holding you as close to him as possible. Holding the hand that had been around your waist and protruding belly, your other rested under your pillow, feeling Kylo's hand there as it lied underneath yours, precious sleep taking over the two of you.

The next morning had come and Leia had decided to bring you some tea to help wake you up for the day. She nearly did this every morning and you appreciated it, plus, seeing her warm smile always made your day better.

But, of course, Leia did not expect to walk into your room and see someone else in your bed... Let alone, her son.

Dropping the glass of tea as the crashing sound caused BB-9E to snap 'awake', the droid instantly rolled over to her and went off in its protective manner, Leia looking over in confusion at it before realizing she had also woken you up.

Sitting up and seeing BB-9E beep it's life away, you spoke up. "It's okay, Beebee!" You called out. "That's Leia, Kylo's mother."

Shifting her eyes between the droid and you, seeing the wholehearted smile on your lips, Leia's eyes then moved over to Kylo who had slowly sat up, disheveled hair covering his eyes before he pushed it back to see who it had been. "Ben..." She whispered, eyes wide as her heart skipped a beat. "How?"

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