xlvii. captive

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"Kylo! Kylo, don't this! Kylo!" Forcing himself awake, sucking in a deep breath, Kylo looked over his shoulder to see you had been holding him from behind, face nearly buried into his hair.

Carefully removing your arms from him as he turned to face you, his fingers gently moved down your cheek before holding your chin. Eyeing you and swallowing he thought about his dream. He had hoped it wasn't a Force vision. That it was nothing but a nightmare that taunted him.

Leaning forward and kissing your forehead as you lied there, fast asleep, a loud beeping noise came from outside the door of his quarters. Then, he heard a bang. Narrowing his eyebrows and standing up, pulling on pants, Kylo waved his hand and opened the door to see BB-9E instantly roll in. "Want to be a bit more quiet, Y/N is asleep." Kylo glared, but the droid didn't care, it instantly went off. "What?!" Kylo nearly shouted, only to look over at you and see you shift.

Gesturing for the droid to follow him outside, it did so. "You captured a spy?" Hearing beeping, Kylo's jaw tightened. "Take me to them."

Rolling off as Kylo followed, the droid lead him to a supply closet, one that he could hear mumbling and grunting coming from the other side of the door. Opening, the droid walked in and hissed at the captive, Kylo following and seeing a man all tied up in wires.

Narrowing his eyes as he studied the man, someone who wasn't too old but he could see the aging on their face. Their eyebrows were scrunched up and they were struggling to free themselves. And it was clear there was some sort of hate coming from their end.

Not recognizing who they were, but sensing ill intensions, Kylo reached his hand out as his finger tips hovered over their forehead. Hearing groaning and muffled screaming coming from the man before him, Kylo searched through their mind.

Then, you appeared. You walking down the halls, doing minor assignments, wandering about. Even going to the throne. Then, one second to the next, he saw you standing before the black droid, for the first time.

"I'm Y/N."

"BB-9E? Hmm... That's a long name. What if I called you Beebee?"

"It's that or baby. You choose."

A flurry of images followed after, the man watching you eat, work, even speak to Kylo. Others had you entering Kylo's quarters alone or with Kylo. Then, there was the two of you holding hands, and then when you were at the hangar, returning from the joy ride.

"Come on, big guy, don't be so dramatic. I'm sure you do tricks, too."

"Y- Yes... But not like that."

"Oh, relax. You're fine."

Seeing the memory fade into another, as the man was standing behind the door and listening in on the two of you, right before BB-9E had captured him, Kylo pulled back in disgust.

"You've been spying on her?!" Kylo snarled, not realizing till then that the man was wearing a First Order uniform. Grabbing a fistful and bringing him to his feet, pulling the wire from his mouth. "Why?! Who sent you?!" Kylo shouted in his face, fury in his eyes. The anger and disgust coursed through his veins, making him uncomfortable in his own skin.

Closing his free hand as his fist clenched, the man choked on his words. "G- General Hux... General Hux sent me!" The man coughed out as Kylo's nostrils flared.

"Why?!" Kylo growled.

Coughing and trying to catch his breath, the man stuttered "O- Out of pure j- jealousy and hate! Envy! He- He wants to be the Supreme Leader! Not y- you! And he is f- fascinated in the woman!"

Tossing the man back and reaching his hand out, Kylo searched through his mind again, skin burning as his face felt as if it were about to explode with the pure rage flowing through him.

"Thank you for meeting with me today." Hux bowed. "I have a task for you that I think you could so easily handle."

"What is it, General?"

"The Supreme Leader has this... girl who is constantly around him, a supposed assistant. I need you to spy on her every move. See what she is really up to. And then, come back to me."

"Of course, sir."

"Good." Hux smirked. "Do not get caught. It's best you keep a close eye but be careful. They both are Force users."

"Yes, sir."

Panting in his spot as Kylo pushed himself out, he clenched and unclenched his fists, eyes locked on to the man. He wanted nothing more than to tear his head off and find Hux to do the same, to rid the two of them. But, he knew he couldn't, he knew he had to be better than that.

Instead, he Forced the man up to his feet and tugged him outside, finding a pair of stormtroopers—who exchanged odd glances at the sight of a shirtless and barefoot Supreme Leader—before walking over. "This man is a spy and needs to be kept locked up. See to it that he doesn't escape." Kylo demanded as the troopers nodded, reaching for the tied up man and pulling him away.

"You will not get away with this!" The man shouted. "Hux will prevail and you will fall! Like she will!"

Tightening his jaw and fighting the urge to snap his neck through the Force, Kylo looked away as the three turned a corner. Seeing BB-9E roll up to him, Kylo took in a deep breath. "Thank you..." Hearing a beep in response, Kylo slowly nodded. "Yes... Anything for Y/N."

Turning and aiming for his quarters as the droid followed, Kylo pushed his fingers through his hair as he took in a shaky breath. The last thing he needed at the moment was his own General turning against him. But, he couldn't say he didn't see this coming. It was bound to happen.

Returning to his chambers and seeing you lying there, cuddling his pillow, Kylo let out a sigh in relief before turning to BB-9E. "You can power off in here." He said to the droid before shutting the door behind him, then, walking over to your side of the bed and kissing your temple, leaving a long one.

Rounding the bed and aiming for his side, dropping his pants and getting under the sheets, he carefully removed the pillow from your hold and brought you to his chest. His heart was racing and his eyes were burning with the fear of what was to come and the worry of your well being.

But, for now, he held you close and safe in his arms. You were far more important than anything or anyone else.



Protective Kylo for the win

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