lv. a new life

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"C- Contractions?" Kylo stuttered, sitting on his knees before you with a racing heart. "Are... Are you going to... Are you about to..."

"Kylo, it's contractions, my water hasn't broken." You shook your head, waving a dismissive hand. "We should be fine, we should be fine..." You then nodded. "Let's, let's continue this! Our little lazy afternoon, a sweet-" Cutting yourself off, Kylo's eyes widened.

"What- What is it? What is it?!" Kylo panicked, instantly standing up. "Y/N, honey, you're freaking me the hell out..."

Shaking your head, you tried standing up as Kylo instantly reached for your hand to help you. "It's- It's okay, I just..." Standing up and feeling the wetness, you sucked in a breath. "Oh, no..."

"Y/N, that's it, we're going back." Kylo said, instantly picking you up in his arms.

"Kylo, it's just contractions, they're not close together! And- and my water broke-"

"It did?!" He exclaimed, nearly breaking into a sprint as you held tightly onto his shoulder. "Oh, stars, you are going to give birth..."

"K- Kylo, I need you to relax. My stars, take in deep breaths... It's all going to be-"

"Your water broke! You have contractions!" He exclaimed as you shook your head.

Rushing back to the palace as fast as he could get you there, running into Leia as she was quick to guide Kylo to the room you were planning to give birth in.

"Okay, sweetie, you can do this." Leia assured as you were now sat on the bed, the contractions becoming closer and longer as Kylo stood by your side, holding your hand. "Ben and I will be here, beside you, the entire time." She nodded as you nodded back, panting and sweating.

The birthing lasted far longer than you expected, Kylo had been antsy and came in and out of the room as Leia watched him constantly move back and forth. You, on the other hand, kept calling him back into the room. It wasn't like he didn't have the stomach or that he was weirded out, it was the fact that he had never dealt with anything like it before and it was making him more anxious than you possibly were.

But then, of course, Leia snapped and warned him saying "if you leave this room one more time I will make sure to keep you locked out and you won't meet your babies until tomorrow" and, of course, Kylo decided to keep himself glued beside you.

"See... Aren't you glad you didn't walk out?" Leia nudged her son as she stood beside him, eyeing the baby in his hold as he nodded, you chuckling.

"My hand is killing me-" Feeling his mother smack him up the head, Kylo groaned.

"You're too dramatic." Leia shook her head.

Smiling at the two of them, you then looked down at the twin in your arm. Your baby, your son. Brushing the back of your finger against his cheek, hearing the faint noises he made as he slightly squirmed in your arms, you leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against his forehead.

"So, have you decided names?" Leia asked, you looking up at her and nodding.

"Luke and Liam." You said, the one in your arms being named Liam as the one in Kylo's being named Luke. "Solo."

Lifting his head, Kylo looked over at you as you gave him a sweet smile. "Solo?" He questioned as you nodded.

"Yeah. I think it's... better that way. Everyone calls you Ben except for me and I think that needs to change." You chuckled. "Ben Solo, the father of Luke and Liam Solo." You grinned as he nodded in agreement, Leia smiling as she leaned forward and kissed her sons head.

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