xli. may the force be with you

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"We've landed." Rey spoke up as she held a pair of lightsabers in her grip, placing it on the table as the two of you woke up from a small nap, Kylo needing it the most.

Pressing the ramp button and walking down, Rey was greeted by Poe with a bright smile. "Rey." He bowed his head as she smiled back. "Is everything alright?" He asked, sensing something was... off.

"I need to speak to Leia... I've brought something. Uh, someone." Rey swallowed with a nod as Poe's eyebrows lightly knitted.

"If it's anything of the matter, I'm the new General now." He stated as her eyebrows lifted.

"Really? That's amazing!" She grinned.

"Yeah, Leia-" Cutting himself off as he saw Kylo walking down the ramp along side some woman, he took a protective stance.

Looking over, Rey let out a small breath before holding Poe's shoulder. "It's okay. I need to take them to Leia."

"Alright." He breathed, making strong eye-contact with Kylo as Kylo stared back, you interlocking your fingers with his. Turning away, Poe lead the way as you two followed, only to see Rey falter from the path as someone caught her attention.

"Rey!" Looking over and seeing a man rush up to Rey, engulfing her in a hug, you smiled.

"Finn..." She breathed, shutting her eyes into the hug, holding him tightly. Feeling Kylo tug you along, you looked away and followed.

"A little warning in advance, I am the new General, and I am well aware that you have become the Supreme Leader." Poe spoke, although his focus still ahead. "You'll be dealing with me."

"I have... something else in mind." Kylo said, taking in a deep breath as you then looked up at him, wondering what that was.

Approaching a door that slid open, Poe stepped away and allowed you two in, Kylo stopping in his tracks at the backside of the figure. The familiar sense and the change in his emotion... this must've been his mother. Leia.

Standing there and slowly turning in her spot, afraid that what she felt in the Force was too good to be true, not when she believed she had lost everyone, a gasp left Leia's lips as her eyes landed on Kylo. Ben... Her son.

Her son who had been alive. Breathing. Standing there before her... and with his hand in someone else's.

Feeling tears slip from her eyes, she smiled, rushing forward without a care and embracing him tightly. With the tightest grip she could muster.

"Ben..." She whimpered, you slipping your grip from Kylo's so he could hold her back.  "You're... You're alive. You're here... You're home." Sucking in a breath, she looked up at him, the eyes she hadn't seen in so long. The same eyes she dreamt about for so long and missed. The eyes of her one and only child. "I thought I lost you."

Shaking his head, Kylo swallowed. "I have you and Luke to thank... and-"

"Her..." Leia finished for him, looking over at you with a sweet smile.

"Yes..." Kylo softly smiled. "Luke told me... to tell you that no one is really gone."

Letting out a small laugh, she nodded. "Of course he did..." Only to deeply inhale. "What happened?"

"He-" Biting his inner lip, Kylo looked over at you as you gave him a small nod. "He brought Y/N and I back to life... I had defeated Snoke and he haunted her through the Force. Manipulated her and controlled her..." Kylo said as Leia's eyes widened. "And she was... She was gone. The darkness had her. And I feared there was no other way to save her. She—Snoke—went to kill Luke, and... I went after her and we both met the ends of either lightsaber."

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