bonus vii: the story of us

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It was the first few weeks after the twins had been born. Ben was still adjusting to the fact that he was now actually living on a planet with a different time set and, well, the fact that he was on an actual planet.

But, the adjusting wasn't so hard, not when he had twin babies to deal with.

It wasn't as hard as he expected it to be, not when he had you, his mother, and... well, plenty of aides in the palace. But, per your request, you wanted it to just be you, Ben and his mother to watch after the boys rather than a crowd. You didn't want them being confused as to who was who.

You and Ben had moved into a rather large room that felt more like an apartment than anything else. In the room, there was a study in it that connected to the bedroom, in which the two of you made into the babies room.

Ben knew that there'd be plenty of late nights, in which he tried preventing you from dealing with. It was enough that he was a light sleeper and sleeping was still a bit hard to deal with, so he didn't mind getting up for the twins. Although he did have his moments where he'd get worked up and you'd have to step in.

The first few nights were harder for Ben than they were for you. He would get mad for not knowing how to do something or for screwing up, but, your connection to him was stronger than ever and you were always there to give him a gentle touch and remind him that it was okay. That he'd get the hang of it eventually—in which he did. He was a fast learner and certain things had grown easy on him.

Possibly why he was always so quick to handle the twins; and you found this cute. You didn't think Ben would be so attentive, you thought he would've been a bit more distant. But, he was trying. He was trying to better himself for you and the babies, as well as for himself.

Holding you close to his chest, his hand in your hair as you were buried up against him, the distant sound of one of the babies whining woke him up. Most of the time, if it wasn't a cry, he'd feel the distress in the Force moments before—which usually saved him from hearing constant whining. Probably why either of you weren't as stressed as you should've been.

Carefully separating from you, Ben stood up from the bed and shivered from the lack of clothing on him, just in his underwear.

Rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms, he walked over to the lightly ajar door in the bedroom that lead to the twins room, pushing it and seeing Luke in his crib fast asleep as Liam whimpered. "Hey, little buddy..." Ben whispered, reaching into the crib and lifting the bundled up baby in his arms. "It's okay, I'm here." Checking his diaper and seeing that he was fine, Ben then heard faint sounds coming from Luke, looking over to seeing him wake up.

"It's way too early for you two to be up." Ben shook his head, resting Liam in one arm before grabbing Luke in his other, carefully, walking over to the rocking chair and taking a seat. The twins, for the most part, would wake up whenever the other would. They were highly in sync and Ben couldn't help but find that funny.

If one was hungry, the other more than likely was, too. If one was tired, the other was dozing off. If one was waking up, the other would moments later.

And both you and Ben dealt with that on the daily.

Rocking on the rocking chair as he held the babies in his arms, Ben took in a small breath. "Alright... what story shall it be tonight?" He said as he looked down at Liam, whose crying had faded away, watery eyes staring up into his father's as he had a small pout. "Let's see... I've told you about your great uncle... Your grandfather. Some of my Jedi training... As well as the Falcon..." Ben trailed, then getting an idea. "But I have not told you about how I met your mother..."

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