Chapter 1

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Honey you need to wake up, you're going to be late for your training again!" My nanny, Sofia yelled, I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. "Heather??" Sofia yelled once again, I finally gave up and rolled out of bed. Honestly I love ballet, especially performing in the biggest ballet organizations, but it's very tiring.

"Sofia it's 4:00 o'clock! I don't start rehearsal until 5:00 am!" I yelled, but seconds later, my mom showed up in my room. This is our normal routine, I'm not even joking. "You do realize that this is the last rehearsal before the opening show, right? Which means you have to put all the makeup and costumes on."

"Sofia can't you see I'm already up, goodness!" I yelled, she just sighed and threw me an apple and a granola bar. "Hurry up, you're going to be so late and I'm going to get another lecture from Gabby." I rolled my eyes as she left my room.

As I put on my clothes, I couldn't help but wish that my parents were here. My mom had to start her career when I was only two years ago, so my mom had to leave me with my dad while she flew to Los Angeles to start her career.

My dad raised me by himself while my mom was beginning her career, mom had me when she was quite young since she and dad were very in love. The thing about living with him though, is that he got offered a position that could potentially start his dream career, and he couldn't give that up.

So he contacted my mom, who obviously disagreed, but later realized that it wasn't fair for him that mom got to chase her dreams and he couldn't. So they both hired Sofia as my nanny and Tim as my butler, yes, my parents have quite some money.

I haven't seen mom in a really long time, more like in eight years, yeah, she visited me when I was five years ago but I honestly didn't really remember anything that happened, because I was five.

Yeah, believe it or not, my own mother hasn't visited me in eight years. I was really affected by that, but I've learned that she's very busy and she just doesn't have time for her own flesh and blood, even though she has time for everyone else every single day, yeah, completely makes sense.

Everytime Sofia tries calling mom, mom just gives her the same answer, "Tell Heather I miss her so much, but I'm really busy now, I promise I'll see her as soon as I can." But I eventually realized that there is more to life than just being sad over someone who you know won't change.

And plus, I don't have time to be sad, being a straight A student is not easy at all, especially when you're the best dancer in your company. Everyone expects so much out of me, and while the fame may seem nice, it will eventually be my death.

"Heather oh my goodness let's go!" Sofia yelled, barging into my room once again. "I'm coming!" I quickly grabbed my bad and ran down the stairs and towards the door only to be stopped by Tim.

"Sofia you can't just let her eat an apple and a granola bar before a big rehearsal!" The funny thing is that the two of them started working together not knowing each other at all, but then they fell in love and now they're dating. A lot can happen in around ten years.

"Well next time you try and wake up her!" Sofia yelled back, but Tim shoved a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon into my hands. "You're not leaving until you finish eating, now hurry up and don't wake up so late next time okay?" He said.

I rolled my eyes and quickly shoved the food down into my mouth, everyone thinks that I'm spoiled since my parents are so rich and I have people to take care of me, but those people raised me right.

When I finished, I quickly ran outside towards the car. Yes I know that ballet doesn't require that much running, but in the past ten years, I have been trained to run everywhere I go, so, I have a six minute mile.

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