Untitled Part 54

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Katy's P.O.V.

As I continued standing there drowning in my own tears, reality finally snapped into me. What the heck is my dead daughter doing right in front of my eyes? And the more important question is...AGAIN?

"Heather is that really you, please don't tell me I'm dreaming again." I whispered as she wrapped her arms around me, "It really is me mom, but I'm not going to be down here forever, just to visit our family." She said, making me begin full on crying, thankfully I have waterproof makeup on.

"Heather why are you doing this to me, making me go through this again and again? I just want my daughter with me, is that so much to ask for?" I cried into her shoulder, "I don't mean to, but I guess this is better than not seeing me at all, right?" She said softly.

I felt John lay his hand on my lower back before taking Heather into his arms, at this point, everyone was going bizarre and crazy. The flashing was blinding, but at this point in my career, I'm already used to it.

"Come on, we have to finish up this event, and then we can spend some time tonight." I said, grabbing onto her hand as we both forced some smiles onto our faces and did our best to get more pictures taken.

Once we were finally done and in the limo on the way back to the hotel, surprisingly John was the first one to break the awkward silence. "How long can you stay with us?" He asked, "About three more hours tops before I have to go back."

I put my hand on top of hers, "Well the next three hours are going to be the best three hours of your life." I said smiling, although about 99% of that smile was hurt, and I'm pretty sure that she was the same.

I felt like it was just yesterday when I was holding Heather in my arms, and now even hugging her I felt guilty, the guilt of a mother taking away her child's childhood will haunt her forever.

When I looked over at Heather, she always looked like she was thinking about something. There is hope though, because she's been making more and more appearances down in Earth, so hopefully she might come back forever someday.

I turned to look at John, who had his eyes shut. My husband and I have been through so much together, finding how to settle Heather down so many years ago, all of that for nothing.

"Heather, not that I don't enjoy it, but how come you keep on making appearances down here? But my other question I guess would be...is this your way of seeking revenge or something? You know how much it hurts me to see you leave, I left you once, but you already left me this is the third time." I said.

"This is not about revenge, I had to pull a lot of strings to come down here. In Heaven you are not allowed to leave unless there is a serious emergency threatening your loved ones' lives. And while I may never completely forgive you for what you did, that doesn't mean I don't love you, and that I'm not willing to try, I am willing to try, it's just hard for me to put the past behind." She said quietly.

I didn't know what else to say, I am mad, but I have no right to be mad at her. I just want her to forgive me already, but it's not my decision, and whatever she chooses, I have to respect that.

"Where are we going?" She asked, "I am going to take you to the one place you loved to go to when you were a little toddler." I said with tears in my eyes, "I knew I was going to have to leave you eventually, I found out that I had a chance at Hollywood before I got pregnant with you, it was just a matter of time before I had to leave you with your dad."

"And this place, is where I would take you, to clear my head, and for us to just spend some time together. I know you won't remember it, but we made so many memories there." I said, the rest of the car ride was silent, but once we arrived, she let out a gasp.

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